Hi all well it looks like I'm doing some walking in the forums. Anyways, I have a couple of questions for editing sounds in OFP.
I'm using the "Audacity" sound program to record voices from via the internet. The voices are great it's just when they play during the game.
ISSUE 1: For using the blue text radio command such as "SideChat" which creates the blue text mainly for tank missions and helicopter missions. When I type in the command
p2 sidechat "A1".
Which p2 is the player and A1 is the sound file .ogg file.
It always says error "file doesn't exist". But then when I use the
"p2 say "A1"
it works, but the text from the stringtable.file appears.
So how do I make it work with using the "SideChat" button so you can see the text and hear the sound all using that command?
ISSUE 2: The second issue I have is the mission is a chopper mission. So the sound is to quiet when it plays. You can't hear it over the chopper, the chopper is to loud. So how do I make it so you can hear it good while your playing?
Thanks for the help.