Could you be a bit more specific in your problem description, for example describing what the triggers are that are supposed to set objectives to completed, preferably with the condition and on activation fields fully specified?
In the on activation field, does it have the required "1" ObjStatus "Done"; or "2" ObjStatus "Done"; etc for the appropriate objectives in the briefing? Does the condition field contain a condition that can actually be fulfilled (for example not having two mutually exclusive conditions, no spelling mistakes) and is the condition actually fulfilled?
Some common mistakes that I make during mission editing and objectives not ticking off as expected:
* spelling mistakes with names given to units (no use checking for getdammage of tank1 when you named the actual unit tank)
* setting a condition that checks for destruction of all members of a group containing vehicles and assuming that because all vehicles are on fire the condition ought to have been met (check around for that bailed crew member still lurking about)
* grouping triggers to a specific unit or group and then not properly checking the activation being by the vehicle, entire group, group leader or any member of the group
In my experience it is usefull to merge a mission from two distinct files, one being a rather empty version with the bare minimum of units needed to check activation of triggers and another file that contains all the additional units that are not absolutely essential to trigger activation. Only when I am satisfied that all triggers get properly activated will I merge the files. I also use end to use the text effect for triggers to aid in understanding whether any trigger has been met.