Take the scud_strela .p3d file, config the strela to function
like that of an A10 , stuff your PBO file, insert into addons
You will be able to enter the vehicle, I configured one the other day, I dont even know if you can drive it, as long you've got Resistance and the new patch you can use the
setVelocity command and fly it pretty much the same way a missle flies, with a few scripts I'm sure it could be attached to a larger vessel such as a ship and with the proper commands it would release and Fly, dont ask me how to script it though, I'm going through every file I can find to attatch
a decent cluster mine script to simulate a visible multiwarhead
type missle.
Its quite ominous to see half a dozen of these
beasties flying toward your position arcing when they come down. They even explode as an A10 would.
I'm just looking for major destruction, and Im sure
that theres at least 10 people working on some awesome scripts as we speak.
If ya need the pbo and if ya have resistance just holler
and I'll get it to you ASAP.
Thank god for scripters and the Good People of BIS and OFPEC for making this one heck of a game.