Hi chocolate
This may be of interest to you for your particular problem, but if not it is of general relevance.
Most of the testing was done with our Campaign "The Sahrani Run"
++ Armed Assault bug - commonly known as SAVE GAME BUG? ++
This has caused countless problems for players in the past and for us when trying to debug our Campaign!
Firstly this should be referred to as a "LOAD" bug and not a "SAVE" bug because we've established that there is nothing wrong with the saved files, in our tests at least. That includes all three types of saved files : the autosave, the exit save and the manual save.
There are two scenarios that appear to happen when resuming the campaign after starting the game;
1) Corruption of Variables, states, AI state etc (who knows what else)
2) Crash to the desktop on resume
The culprit turns out to be some kind of bug that affects a RESUME after the game is fired up. Although one may initially think that the SAVEGAME file itself is corrupted, this is not the case. In our tests the problem does not happen once the saved game is loaded in a particular way:
Run the game, select the campaign, then RESUME. Immediately after it's loaded (error or not) you can either back out to where you will be offered a RESUME again or a RETRY or simply hit escape and choose LOAD (if you made a manual save).
Thankfully crashing doesn't happen that often due to this problem but it DOES happen and when it does it's a big pain because you won't be able to do anything about it other than use the technique we've outlined below for beta testers.
This involves making a copy of your saved files after you exit the game because you will have to restart the campaign and once you do the engine will remove any manual saved files as well as the autosaves.
If however, you've made a copy you can start the campaign, ALT-TAB to windows, Copy your backups into the save folder. Then all you need to do is hit ESC and LOAD. This will allow you to resume and won't crash the game.
To Sum up: Never play a resumed campaign after starting Armed Assault. Always get into the habit of reloading after the resume using any one of the 3 saved files. Autosave.ArmASave, continue.ArmASave or save.ArmASave
(We believe that following the above advice is relevant for all misions/campaign's)
We will soon start a thread on our findings when we have concluded our tests
Hope this helps