here's what i've got:
a trigger set up to count the units of a particular group (in this case a group called charlie). this is what i have in the condition field:
({vehicle _x in thislist} count units charlie) < 3
this runs a script which ends the mission if the numbers dwindle too much. now... this works fine if the trigger is meant to count the units throughout the mission, but i actually only want the units counted up to a certain point when another condition is met.
this condition is: antiarmoursquadinposition.
i've tried setting this condition to false in the init.sqs and adding the condition to the line in the trigger to get the following condition line:
antiarmoursquadinposition = false && ({vehicle _x in thislist} count units charlie) < 3
but the trigger doesn't want to fire with this extra condition imposed on it. basically, i only want to count the units in charlie group up to a certain condition point and then it doesn't matter if they all get wiped out.
(if antiarmoursquadinposition = true i don't want the trigger to fire).
can anyone help, plz? cheers, filth.