I have a unit that I make sit at a chair in front of a table using: switchmove "FXstandToTable". Then I have him do some figitting at the table using: switchMove "FXSitHandsOnTable", "FXSitLeftHandDown", "FXSitRightHandDown". I do these in a random sequence with a randome delay between each switchmove. It works fine and looks great, the problem is after he is sitting, I then have him get up (which he does), but then I want him to return to normal AI behaviour and follow his waypoints. But NO, he stands up moves away from the table (which I also do using switchmove -because I thought the table was what was making him get "stuck"), and then he just stands there and will not move. Even when I put an enemy in front of him he just stands there frozen! So, how can I wake him up? I know it is not a problem with "stacking" switchMoves because even if I take out the loop and just have him sit at the table, then stand from the table, then move to the side of the table (no loop) he still seems to be frozen (after he completes the switchMoves). I have used switchMove before without this happening, but this is the first time I have used the "FX-table-related" switchMoves. Is there something about those that removes the AI abiltiy to move, target, etc? Oh, also I am finishing the script with _unit switchMove "" and for good measure I put _unit switchMove "null" also. He does go to a normal stance after the script ends, but other than that he does nothing else. Any help is much appreciatied.