There are two basic ways to pass time in ArmA/OFP :
skipTime and
setAccTime. The former simply jumps the hours forward without, AFAIK, actually affecting anything else (like sleep or wait commands, timeouts, countdowns or anything else goverenered by other things than the
dayTime check). The latter actually speeds up time (like when you press the x2 and x4 buttons in-game), but you can reach much higher time accelerations than just x4. Problem with this is obviously that a very high time acceleration will probably break most complicated scripts, cause very erratic AI behaviour, and most probably make your computer go "oomph" and die due to too much stuff happening too quickly.
So, the best solution is probably using
skipTime, which will simulate time passing quite nicely. Extrapolating on Terox' solution there, a script like this would be easy enough:
_skiptime = _this select 0
titlecut ["You fall asleep.", "Black Out", 1]
~(_skiptime * 2)
skipTime _skipTime
titleCut ["You wake up.", "Black In", 1]
Call it somewhere as:
- exec "scriptname.sqs", where # = the number of hours you want skipped. In my example script there it waits (~ command) for twice as many seconds as hours skipped. So sleeping two hours would take four seconds real-time. But that's obviously up to you to change. Also I made the Black In and Black Outs happen over a second, instead of immediately. I haven't tested this, but it should work. You'll have to make all the other appropriate changes (move guards, put out or light fires, etc) you deem necessary yourself, but for what you asked this should work.
Have fun!
Wolfrug out.