I have strange problem, which I can't solve myself. So, I'll start...
I wanted to make dynamic markers in mission for my local gaming group. So I decided not to reinvent the wheel and took dynamic moving markers script from WGL, rewrote it on sqf and modified a little. (attached groupmarker.sqf and unitmarker.sqf files)
We played our first coop session and everything was fine. Markers were moving for groups and unit (helicopter) correctly. It was 1.01 version.
Then, I decided to make a training mission (now version 1.02), which would have two sides playable. I made some modifications to script and suddenly markers started to dissapear during game, even if we played coop in this missions. I thought, that this is some kind of "getpos" problem and markers just go to coords 0,0,0 or something like that. I started to search for a way to identify the source of this problem, but I couldn't. Position of dissapeared markers are correct and markers work fine for a while, so everything is working, but this strange dissapearing problem occurs.
Now I think, that it is somehow related to my mistake in scripts, JIP (because I turned off JIP in our first session) or just arma 1.02 itself.
Here is a part of init.sqf:
//Helis markers
if (!isNull helo_1 && side player == west) then {
_nul = [helo_1,"helo_1","transhelo","ColorBlack"] execVM "unitmarker.sqf";
if (!isNull helo_2 && side player == west) then {
_nul = [helo_2,"helo_2","transhelo","ColorBlack"] execVM "unitmarker.sqf";
//Alpha marker
if (!isNull a && side player == west) then {
_nul = [a,"a","a","ColorRed"] execVM "groupmarker.sqf";
if (!isNull ea && side player == east) then {
_nul = [ea,"ea","a","ColorRed"] execVM "groupmarker.sqf";
P.S. I made my custom markers, and third param is for their type.