I'm trying to create a customiseable dialogue MP intro to be implemented in an addon which would be initiated via a gamelogic
(Therefore the mission maker cannot access the resource file to edit the text color)
The problem i have is creating a system for the mission maker to allow him to select a colour for the text, so that it contrasts with the background color
which is required due to the diversity of backgrounds that can be selected
There appears to be no method to dynamically alter the colour of static text, which i believe would be the best control to use for the text
I can of course use the listbox and set the text colour using:
lbSetColor [5, 0, txu_txtcolor]
however i cant get rid of the background color for a listbox, which ideally needs to be colourless nor can i remove the borderline
I think i remember somewhere reading on how to use a global var and a #define to do something similar, however testing has not provided me with any positive results
At present the only workaround i can think off is having several versions of the same dialog with differing text colours, eg Red, blue, black white etc, and then have a mission maker state a color, or a variable value for a color, which the intro script would use to decide which dialog to load
has anybody any idea of a workaround that could be used