addactions are local
therefore the script that it runs is local to the unit that initiated the addaction
your addaction script then calls for the pristime.sqs to run
this script is also only run on the machine that initiated the addaction
if you want a message to be seen by all, then replace the hint format with a custom radio message that needs to be defined in the description.ext
alternatively have a series of repeating triggers waiting on boolean conditions that run a simple script for your hint/titletext commands
eg to have all clients see
hint (format ["%1 has been sent to jail for %2 minutes", name unit, _1min])
have your addaction script publicvariable
a) the unit
tx_prisoner = _unit
b) the time period
tx_time = _1sec
c) the boolean that activates the message trigger
tx_messageA = true
{publicvariable _x}foreach ["tx_prisoner", "tx_time","tx_messageA"]
have your trigger
condition: tx_messageA, repeating
that on activation runs
[] exec messageA.sqs
hint (format ["%1 has been sent to jail for %2 minutes", name tx_prisoner, tx_time])
(leader group player) groupchat format [" << MESSAGE >> "%1 has been sent to jail for %2 minutes", name tx_prisoner, tx_time]
tx_messageA = false
NB>> to use a boolean in a trigger, you should initialise it in the INIT.sqs
tx_messageA = false
I wouldnt particularly see this as an advanced problem.
If you really wanna go the full hog, then implement COC network services, there is a function in it, that allows you to send strings across the network (BIS Publicvariable command wont do this)