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Author Topic: Tank Radars?  (Read 1624 times)

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Tank Radars?
« on: 17 Oct 2002, 00:23:05 »
I know that OFP isn't a tank sim, but something just has to be done about the tank radars.

Whenever a tank shows up with LOS of another tank, it instantly pops up on the AI's radar, regardless of which way the driver, gunner, and commander is facing.  This makes flanking movements impossible.

I've taken the radar off the tanks, but I still want the tank to engage targets at long distances.  So, what should I change in the config?

I've noticed that if I increase the sensitivity to around 50, the tanks will ID and fire at other tanks at the edge of the viewing distance.

Has anyone else tried to fix this annoying tank radar problem?

Offline RT-SuperTron

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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #1 on: 17 Oct 2002, 00:51:25 »
You are right about your question, allthough I cant help you with the config, I am curious about the distance of your "viewing distance".
I have noticed that after I have installed 1.75, Tanks, AntiAir-vehicles, Aircraft and Heli will engange/Fire from 2000 meters if they have a Clear Line of Sight, no matter if the visibility is 200m and heavy rain or if it is 3000m and a clear blue skie.

I have how ever no idea of the range of fire a real life tank can shot, but the closer we get to reality the more fun. I do seem to recall that there where some pretty far out hit/kills in Desert Storm.



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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #2 on: 17 Oct 2002, 02:54:49 »
I did a little bit more work.  The viewing distance is irrelevant in ver 1.75.  Whatever you set the viewing distance, it seems that the tanks will take a shot.

I think it's all in the sensitivity if you take out the radar.  The higher you set sensitivity, the farther the tank *sees* enemy units, as long as either the driver, gunner, or commander is facing the enemy.

By the way, I edited the sniper units with a sensitivity of 100.  OMG, put that sniper dude on a hill, and he will have you crawling from 800 Meters!--"Where the hell is he?"
« Last Edit: 17 Oct 2002, 02:57:00 by M_S_Holder »


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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #3 on: 17 Oct 2002, 07:12:55 »
Does anyone here know how to slow down turret rotation speed?

Offline RT-SuperTron

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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #4 on: 17 Oct 2002, 14:40:05 »
Well I kinda figured out that there had to be no link between the viewing distance and what the AI "sences". That's why I do all I can to prevent the game from beeing "laggy" since I prefere playing with a view distance of 2000-2500 as a minimum since there is nothig more enoying than being killed by something that is not rendered on you screen, which makes it invisible and invinsible. I mentioned it above, and you said it your self
OMG, put that sniper dude on a hill, and he will have you crawling from 800 Meters!
I allso did some testing a while ago and when it comes to SNIPERS which have no radar it seems to be of some importence what kinda riffle he has got.

1. If he has a "light" riffle like the M21 or Dragonov and you are standing on a plane dersert with a Clear Line of Sight, he will as you say have you dancing from 800. He would most likely hit/kill you with the first 2 shots.

2. Same weapon config but with you in a window of a 3 or more story building, he will have have to cirlce you in, in most cases, after he gets aware of you. Then he typically uses 4-6 shots to claim he's trophy, that is if you dont move to much.

3. Now equip him with a heavy girl like HK MSG90 or HK PSG1, he will get very nasty even if you are behind a window. Now to make shure of my distance to the sniper I have measured him out by having a sec. unit in my group and pointing at him. I have been killed from 876m!! Single shot, severel times even when I was standing in a window, which makes me much harder to spot. If you are in the open it dos'nt seem to matter if you are standing walking running crawling, or driving an open or closed vehicle. He will in a very professionel manner make you sit and goble in your own blod, with a single shot in your head any where below 800.

So since we can't alter to much in AI Snipers "Radar" without making him unrealistic or plain dumb, I guess we will have to see which changes there is to come in the future. But if anybody have an idea how to do anything to the TANK Radar, I am just as curius as M_S_Holder to get my hands on some info.



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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #5 on: 18 Oct 2002, 00:24:15 »
I did figure it out:  Put the IRScanRange to zero, and increase the Sensitivity to between 30-70, depending on how good the tank is.  That way the tank can still be flanked by other tanks but can still hit targets at long range.


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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #6 on: 18 Oct 2002, 17:46:48 »
I have an intresting Question in Regards to what you have been talking about.  Is it possible to put radar to a Sniper?  I know it does not seem to be realestic, but if a Real sniper had access to a Radar or a conections to a radar instilation near by , He could use it to knock guys off.  Though, I have never understood how radar in helo's  could pick up men on the ground with radar :gunman:.


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Re:Tank Radars?
« Reply #7 on: 19 Oct 2002, 21:28:55 »
How in the world would the radar be diplayed for the sniper?  I guess you could try it.