well, if you like to have multiple weapons (like a M16 with 4 mags, a LAW launcher with 3 missiles and a binoc and a NV google) you can just extend the script (you might fix insert a "addweapon "binocs" if you like to give everyone a binoc) for your needs.
Or you can call the script multiple times for each weapon. This way you could do something like "well soldier, you have now your rifle, go now to that table to get your LAW".
Myself, i like to keep things open in script and insert parameters while executing script. This way i can easily experiment around with different things without the need to alt+tab out of OFP and edit the script itself. Surplus you can use the same script for different needs without editing and saving it.
If i would have fix inserted the M16 in this script, and now you would like to have a sniper rifle for another unit, you would have a second script just for this guy.
And now imagine you would like to give every unit a different weapon....stupid idea i knw, but just think about...this would make 8 scripts.
With a "one-size-fits-all" script the mission file will be smaller. I know, .sqs files will not take a lot of space, but once you use a lot of scripting, it might be a difference between 100 scripts or 25 scripts. You get the idea.
But the most important thing: read my script carefully, i left a lot of comments in there for you. Check how the script works, what it does. Once you get the flow of a script you might be able to change it to your needs.