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Author Topic: Photographic camera  (Read 5295 times)

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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #15 on: 30 Nov 2005, 19:54:42 »
1.5 was actually the one I've been using, but it won't decrypt the .bin's. I went off and got 1.3 since it had bin-to-cpp functionality, but it wouldn't decrypt the LD's config.

Offline Planck

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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #16 on: 30 Nov 2005, 20:01:26 »
Ok........Here you go. .........attached.   ;)

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #17 on: 30 Nov 2005, 20:07:03 »
Danke! :) Will see if I can get some time to take a look tomorrow.


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #18 on: 30 Nov 2005, 23:01:23 »
Using the LD is a worthy avenue of inquiry. I messed with this camera addon idea a few years back but didn't get far (new to scripting and configging then [pre resistance]). A `film' lasertarget would allow for some interesting scripting possibilities.

I am also interested in checking out the scripting in Bn880's tracer addon. Excellent addon if you haven't used it. Get it @:
He has figured some way of getting a location array return when a round hits an object or the ground. Will have to follow his maths and see how it was done. Would be useful if we end up going with a bullet or other ammo class.

Hiya Planck. If time and interest allow, please get involved in this project! The more expertise involved, the better the result (and the sooner chupchup can get back to mission making  ;D).

Today I will check out some configs to answer a few niggling memories I have of how I attempted to do all this last time. I will also go in pursuit of BN880's maths and see if it is applicable to this project.

Hope yer all having a good day and I will come back with some results as soon as I can.



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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #19 on: 01 Dec 2005, 20:57:14 »
Right, didn't get much of a chance to do much on this today, but I took a quick look at the LD class, and it looks like it may be subclassable for this purpose.

For the animations, it doesn't seem like there's any way to directly add animations for a custom weapon, but I'm going to get in touch with the I44 team to see if they'll share their knowledge on how to check if a unit is standing, crouching or prone. If I can get that sussed, I may have a somewhat hacky method of introducing the custom anim to a unit without toying with the main config.cpp/bin. I'll update as I go.

As for the maths involved in getting positions, it shouldn't be too much of a problem; just some trig. I'm loathe to base it on hits, though, since I'm thinking of, among other things, an example where you need a picture of, say, three officers. I'd much rather a distance check of the projectile in flight,since that would mean you don't need to "snipe" one of the guys, or shoot at the ground between them. Though it is, as you say, worth looking into. :)

Right then. Haven't had much time to devote, but have come to a couple of conclusions (feel free to correct me on any of these).

The half-baked idea I had for getting a custom static anim in is a bust. It hadn't occurred to me until tonight that since there would be no way to class the anim as a combat action, there'd be no way to bring up the "iron sights". Or "fire" the camera, for that matter. So, I'll just have to work around the current animations. No biggie, it's just an aesthetic thing.

The LD is effectively not workable for this purpose. While there's a nifty resource that goes into how the LD target can be used in various ways, there's still no way to detect a "fired" status. If we stretch, we could use a player action or radio trigger, but that's clunky at best, imho.

So the way I figure, using a "bullet" would probably be our best bet, with a fast loop checking against a list of mission targets, as outlined in my previous post. I'll see what I can figure out if I find some time.
« Last Edit: 03 Dec 2005, 20:17:21 by LoTekK »


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #20 on: 11 Dec 2005, 22:10:30 »
Since it's been some time, I figured a new post would be a better idea. My previous post was also rather longish.

Okay, so haven't really done much on the scripting side, but hey, I'm an artist. Waddaya expect? ;D

Half-textured Nikon D200 (may scrap it and start over, since the mesh is a bit messy, and kinda poly-heavy) in the hands of one of WillieC's resistance units. Note the reworked animation using DMA's nextgen anims as a base.

I plan on making different cameras covering the major conflict eras (WW2, Vietnam, contemporary).

And I started work on a combat correspondent to wield the cameras (for the addon unit, I'll likely completely rework most of the pertinent animations). The bulkiness of the vest is due to him wearing body armor underneath (visible but not entirely apparent at this stage)

There's been more work done on him since that screenshot, notably some proportion issues, and overall tweaking. I'm undecided as to whether to use default BIS heads, Llauma's heads, or a custom head that I model from scratch (the purpose for the latter would be a nicer head model that can use the BIS textures).

If necessary, I'll do mesh reworks for various eras, though most of the variants will likely come from retexturing.


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #21 on: 12 Dec 2005, 02:36:43 »
man! that looks nice, what program are u useing? if that is o2...DAMN FINE!


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #22 on: 12 Dec 2005, 10:57:32 »
Thanks. :)
Nah, I can't imagine using O2 for modelling anything more complex than a cube. Just can't get my head around the interface. I'm using Wings3Dfor the modelling. I'm quite likely going to cry when I have to bring it over to O2 to define the selections and whatnot, though. :p

Been hammering away and cutting polies like crazy. Hopefully I'll have it down to something reasonable today (it's now standing at just shy of 2600 tris), and I can start up the UVWing and LoDing.

update, 13 Dec, 0244hrs:
Accessorize! ;D Currently standing at just shy of 3000 tris.

« Last Edit: 12 Dec 2005, 20:08:31 by LoTekK »


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #23 on: 17 Dec 2005, 12:52:03 »
And another update. All unwrapped, now I just need to get around to texturing the guy, and I also need to pose the hands so they're suitable for the game. Llauma extended permission to use his head textures, so I've mapped the head accordingly. Some stretching going on at the top of the head, but that was largely unavoidable, since my mesh topology was a little different from his.

Anyways, without further ado, behold Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Photographers' Vest ;D

You'll note that there's already a provision for a press ID on his chest, as well as a dropleg holster, for the photographers that also double as "advisors."


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Re:Photographic camera
« Reply #24 on: 07 Jan 2006, 12:02:38 »
Haven't updated this thread in a while (most of the updates are in the thread on the official forums).
