yes, you were right the first time. a loop. camcreate the flare, wait the right number of seconds (i think it's 8 from memory) and then light another. the first one starts dying out as the second is coming to life. here -
place an empty marker called
"mk_flarespot". then call this script.
_x = getmarkerpos "mk_flarespot" select 0
_y = getmarkerpos "mk_flarespot" select 1
_f = "flare" camcreate [_x,_y, 200]
?not (stop_flares) : goto "loop"
you will also need a global variable
stop_flares which you set to true somewhere when you want it to go dark again.
hope that helps - oh, and there are differently coloured flares - try them to see what kind of atmosphere you can create