Try my super guided missile script. It is based on sefe's but I added some functions that make the trajectory computations more efficient. If you want help addapting those scripts/functions to your mission, just let me know. I just recently did a script that forces men with Carl Gustov launchers to engage Shilkas that are more than 1000 m away. It uses invisible targets to make them fire in the direction of the shilkas, but then it takes over the missiles and guides the missile right to the Shilkas. The hit percentage is about 99.9%, but If you want less accuracy that can be done. Since the AA launchers have more built in range, the invisible targets will not be needed. As mentioned above. A reveal command along with dotarget and dofire will get the AA guys to fire, then for improved accuracy a mission taylored version of the super guided missile script can be employed. The guided missile script can even be adjusted to force the missile to miss the target (if you want a cool, "close call" scene in a cutscene).