This is the sort of community spirit we love to see and hear!! The more people donate, the more Sui can start to experience the highlife of previous Administrators before him. Noon with his fetish for fast cars, fast women, dead squirrels. Sefe with his penchant for torture implements and young nymphs to use them on. Myself with a love of spray cream, carrots and household bleach, and Tigershark paying off fines for trying to take control of a Japanese Airline.
However, it's not all about the money *Silences the scream of 'Yes it fucking is!!' from HuBBa as another monthly bill crashes through the letterbox*
It's all about people making these little gestures.
The internet is a fickle, shallow world, where things come and go, fads pass as quick as a curry through your anal tract after a good night out.
People can give money, and it's nice, it eases the burden on a non-profit group, but words like these, are worth far more than any cash donation. It shows people still care, still pay attention, still want to help. Cash can be sympathy, or assistance, without the true heart. Words like this make all the difference.
Whilst your cash donations (OFPEC accepts all major credit cards, cheques, postal orders, paypal, virgins and camels) make the bills a bit lighter, your words and sentiments, of thanks, of encouragement, of support, can make them vanish altogether, when you remember and realise why you spend so long working so hard on a 100% volunteer project. It's for the reward you gain when you realise how many people you've helped on their path of further enjoyment.
For every one thousand people, it only takes one person to say ' Thankyou.. ' to make it all seem worthwhile....