1)You can't use playmusic, but have to use.... CfgSound maybe? ... someone else probably knows... or else check sound/cutscenes
2)No idea.. but i'm assuming that you could use add/remove weapon here to swap.... seems easy enough unless there's some bug with the addon
, just make sure you always add at least one mag before adding the weapon...
3)There's a script in the ed depot that is supposed to add a MG to a vehicle.. haven't used it myself.. if you want to make a MG built into the car.. that's an add-on
4)you could make the condition of your trigger something like this:
mus=truethen, in your script.. at the start of your script define
mus=false, then where you want to set the trigger off define
5) Why not use a Smoke shell, if smoke is all your after? if you want to be able to set it off like a satchel charge , just use a radio command to
camcreate a smokeshell
sm="smokeshell" camcreate getpos
objectobject = any unit/object/gamelogic you can place and name in the ME, throw the name in where
object is
6)In essence, see #5 there are a finite amount of shells and rounds available to OFP, and all those aty scripts that are out there are variations of camcreating said shells above certain positions on the map... all you have to do is make a trigger, or script .. then camcreate live rounds instead of smokeshells like above.... use any named object as a target for a simple method... or else you can use a random function in your script to make it a little different every time....
some good ones to use are "HEAT120" and "HEAT125" I use "AT4" alot also.. but as I said you can camcreate any kind of shell.. or missle using that syntax....