I know how to do it, and thought it's possible without any scripting from when I first thought of an Ancient Japan mod. Another well respected forum member and modder has confirmed it, and says others are using this method because scripting is slow and has other problems. My problem is I am inexperienced in making animations and weapons.
Here's what you do, theoretically. As weapon detection is automatic, you set the weapon config so that even though your weapon isn't, for example, firing bullets, it is firing itself. If need be, a small invisible configed weapon could be put on the players fists, and even feet if you made animations to kick as well as punch.
Going on from that, there are leaning animations allowing you to shoot around corners, so even multi-strike unarmed stuff is possible. Probably a lot of work (which we don't need as yet), but possible.
Weapon config works, as other modders are apparently now using it and changing their scripted versions over. If anyone here is doing that and would like to tell me and Viper how to do it in simple steps... Well, you'll get huge amounts of brownie points in heaven. (If you want huge amounts of brownie points in hell, then include a simple working character addon who can punch and damage someone..!)
Is this still on topic..? Oh yeah; Addon Ideas. Too easy to wander off and then have a moderator go, "*cough* Ahem..."