the subject title says it all, these damn scripts drive me insane
here's the respective code:
class eventhandler
engine="[_this select 0, _this select 1] exec ""\imuc_bmd\bmdstart.sqs"";";
class CfgSounds
class bmdstart
name = "bmdstart";
titles[] = {};
tried wav files and oggs, all 16 bit 44Hz mono
the script:
_bmd = _this select 0
@(isengineon _bmd)
hint "start"
_bmd say "bmdstart"
@(!(isengineon _bmd))
goto "start"
the hint isn't even displaying although it's all like seb müller did it for his dune buggy misfiring.
also tried @(isengineon _bmd == true) in the 3rd line