Is the coordinate setting of the setpos command not the same as the format used in the mission.sqm ?
I got some coordinates by putting different units on the map, then saving, copying the coordinates out of mission.sqm into a script as the setpos array, but when i execute the script instead of moving to the coordinate i pasted he reports being at the south end of the map. (i am FD45, he reports after the setpos FD99, the coordinates are maybe ten meters from me).
I used GPAs Display Unit Position snippet, and in the hint window there is something about scalar boolean, i can see his leader logo, he is falling from a really high place :tomato:
Could somebody guide me to some tutorial where the difference between these coordinate systems is explained or tell me right away that this :
this setpos[6814.813965,99.821884,6523.692383]
was not one of my really good ideas ?
Thanks, StG