edit this.. not really know if thias is going to work.. cause i just invented it..
;writing it.. on the fly :p
;use it like these [man,y offset,x offset, z offset,obejct,animation] exec "sit.sqs"
;example [officer1,2,2,3,chair,FXstandSitDown] exec "sit.sqs"
;Maden by Flauta
_sold = this select 0
_obj = this select 4
_anim = this select 5
_yoff = this select 1
_xoff = this select 2
_zoff = this select 3
;not suer what was the animation command, I think it was swichmove..
_sold swichmove _anim
_sold setpos [(getpos _obj select 0) + _xoff,(getpos _obj select 1) + _yoff,_zoff]
play whit the offset's to make the man sit normaly in whatever you want to do it sit...
tellme if it worked!!