I have a couple questions reguarding skiptime, and time detection within a multiplayer mission.
--Skiptime: Me and a buddy have played a few missions with skiptime, but we are never on the same time on the ingame watch. I'll tell him over voice-comms, "finally the suns coming up", and he'll say "what are you talking about, the sun just set for me." We will also say what time we have on the watch and we will be atleast 4 hours off of each other.
Is there something I'm missing when adding this into a mission?
--Night and Day: Is it possible to speed up time during the night? What I'm looking for is to have around 30 mins of daylight, and about 10 mins of night time.
--Time Detection: Is it possible to have a script detect once the hour hand passes a time it activates a ambient sound? IE: Once the clock reads 0600+hours, it plays a sound file. Because you cant guerrentee that the clock will land EXACTLY on the time you need.
An ambient sound file, one that, the further u get from the source, the quieter it gets.