ok, my dialog lets (or would let) a player to command a tank; 'wtank3'. It only has limited options. Fairly useless but i wanted to have a go on dialogs so... It's probably gonna be a big read but here it is;
#define ST_LEFT 0
#define ST_RIGHT 1
#define ST_CENTER 2
#define ST_MULTI 16
#define ST_SHADOW 256
#define ST_NO_RECT 512
#define CT_STATIC 0
#define ST_PICTURE 48
#define FontM "tahomaB36"
#define FontHTML "CourierNewB64"
#define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11
#define CT_BUTTON 1
#define ST_FRAME 64
#define CT_EDIT 2
#define CT_COMBO 4
#define CT_LISTBOX 5
#define CT_SLIDER 3
#define ST_HPOS 0x0F
class RscText
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.04;
class RscPicture
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_PICTURE;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.04;
class RscActiveText
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorActive[] = {1, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.04;
soundEnter[] = {"ui\ui_over", 0.2, 1};
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscButton
type = CT_BUTTON;
idc = -1;
style = ST_CENTER;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.025;
soundPush[] = {, 0.2, 1};
soundClick[] = {"ui\ui_ok", 0.2, 1};
soundEscape[] = {"ui\ui_cc", 0.2, 1};
default = false;
class RscFrame
type = CT_STATIC;
idc = -1;
style = ST_FRAME;
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
font = FontM;
sizeEx = 0.04;
class RscEdit
type = CT_EDIT;
idc = -1;
style = ST_LEFT;
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.02;
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorSelection[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
autocomplete = false;
text = ;
class RscLB_C
style = ST_LEFT;
idc = -1;
colorSelect[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
colorSelectBackground[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
colorText[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
font = FontHTML;
sizeEx = 0.025;
rowHeight = 0.04;
class RscListBox: RscLB_C
type = CT_LISTBOX;
class RscCombo: RscLB_C
type = CT_COMBO;
wholeHeight = 0.3;
class RscSliderH
type = CT_SLIDER;
style = ST_HPOS;
color[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
idc = -1;
sizeEx = 0.025;
class DIALOG1
idd = -1;
movingEnable = true;
controlsBackground[] = {DLG_BACK1, FRAME1};
objects[] = { };
class DLG_BACK1: RscText
colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.75};
text = ;
x = 0.19375;
y = 0.06823;
w = 0.71125;
h = 0.4152;
class FRAME1 : RscText
x = 0.19375
y = 0.06823
idc = -1
w = 0.71125
h = 0.4152
style = ST_FRAME
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.75};
SizeEX = 0.025
text = "Armoured Support Menu"
class TEXT1 : RscText
x = 0.2125
y = 0.15205
idc = -1
w = 0.1
h = 0.047
style = ST_LEFT
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.025
text = "Assault"
class COMBO3 : RscCombo
x = 0.3175
y = 0.15205
idc = 100
w = 0.277
h = 0.047
style = ST_LEFT
colorText[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.04
colorSelect[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
colorSelectBackGround[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
RowHeight = 0.04
wholeHeight = 0.3
class COMBO6 : RscCombo
x = 0.60625
y = 0.15205
idc = 101
w = 0.156
h = 0.047
style = ST_LEFT
colorText[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.04
colorSelect[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
colorSelectBackGround[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
RowHeight = 0.04
wholeHeight = 0.3
class BUTTON7 : RscButton
x = 0.76
y = 0.15205
idc = -1
w = 0.136
h = 0.047
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "TahomaB48"
SizeEX = 0.025
text = "Execute"
action = "this exec ""shortone.sqs"""
default = false
class TEXT6 : RscText
x = 0.44625
y = 0.08577
idc = -1
w = 0.2
h = 0.061
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.501, 0.501, 0.501, 0};
font = "TahomaB36"
SizeEX = 0.035
text = "Direct Assault"
class TEXT7 : RscText
x = 0.44625
y = 0.21248
idc = -1
w = 0.2
h = 0.061
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.501, 0.501, 0.501, 0};
font = "TahomaB48"
SizeEX = 0.035
text = "Follow"
class TEXT8 : RscText
x = 0.2125
y = 0.28265
idc = -1
w = 0.2
h = 0.047
style = ST_LEFT
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.025
text = "Follow and Support"
class COMBO9 : RscCombo
x = 0.4475
y = 0.2807
idc = 102
w = 0.2
h = 0.047
style = ST_LEFT
colorText[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.04
colorSelect[] = {0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1};
colorSelectBackGround[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
RowHeight = 0.04
wholeHeight = 0.3
class BUTTON10 : RscButton
x = 0.65625
y = 0.28265
idc = -1
w = 0.136
h = 0.047
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "CourierNewB64"
SizeEX = 0.04
text = "Execute"
action = "this exec ""follow.sqs"""
default = false
class TEXT11 : RscText
x = 0.4475
y = 0.34503
idc = -1
w = 0.2
h = 0.061
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
colorBackground[] = {0.501, 0.501, 0.501, 0};
font = "TahomaB48"
SizeEX = 0.035
text = "Other Orders"
class BUTTON12 : RscButton
x = 0.23375
y = 0.4152
idc = 110
w = 0.2
h = 0.047
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.04
text = "Cease Fire"
action = "wtank3 setcombatmode ""blue"""
default = false
class BUTTON13 : RscButton
x = 0.66875
y = 0.41715
idc = -1
w = 0.2
h = 0.047
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.04
text = "Hold Position"
action = "dostop wtank3"
default = false
class BUTTON14 : RscButton
x = 0.45
y = 0.4152
idc = -1
w = 0.2
h = 0.047
style = ST_CENTER
colorText[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
font = "Garamond64"
SizeEX = 0.04
text = "Open Fire"
action = "wtank3 setcombatmode ""red"""
default = false
And here is the createdialog.sqs which the dialog is called through;
_ok = createDialog "Dialog1"
?(!_ok): hint "Error!"; exit
_index = lbAdd [100, "St. Louis form South"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Ssouth"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "St. Louis from North"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Snorth"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "St. Louis from East"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Seast"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "St. Louis from West"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Swest"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "Larche from South"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Lsouth"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "Larche from North"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Lnorth"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "Larche from East"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Least"]
_index = lbAdd [100, "Larche from West"]
lbSetData [100, _index, "Lwest"]
lbSetCurSel [100, 0]
_index2 = lbAdd [101, "Now"]
lbSetData [101, _index2, "now"]
_index2 = lbAdd [101, "On Zulu"]
lbSetData [101, _index2, "onzulu"]
lbSetCurSel [101, 0]
_index3 = lbadd [102, "Alpha Black"]
lbsetdata [102, _index3, "Alpha"]
_index3 = lbadd [102, "Alpha Red"]
lbsetdata [102, _index3, "Bravo"]
lbSetCurSel [102, 0]
Lnorth, Lsouth, SNorth, ssouth and all those ones are gamelogic positions which you can move the tank to, when the tank is there, they will attack a city (L stands for Larche, S stands for St. Louis) either directly or on zulu go code (sort of like raven shield).
?(lbData[101, lbCurSel 101] == now): this exec "now.sqs"
?(lbData[101, lbCurSel 101] == onzulu): this exec "onzulu.sqs"
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == Nlouis): town = Louis
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == Slouis): town = Louis
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == Elouis): town = Louis
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == Wlouis): town = Louis
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == NLarche): town = Larche
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == SLarche): town = Larche
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == ELarche): town = Larche
?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == WLarche): town = Larche
publicvariable "town"
wtank3 domove getpos (lbData[100, lbCurSel 100])
Wtank3 sidechat "Roger, Moving now"
? wtankstop: exit
?(wtank3 distance lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] > 5): "loop"
wtank3 domove getpos [%1, town]
now.sqs doesn't work for some reason (probably the way i put ?(lbData[100, lbCurSel 100] == is wrong. IS that the problem or is there some other problem? whn i run the dialog in it's current state(everything is working except the move and attack commands ^^, it doesn't give any errors, but the tank just refuses to move.
Thanks in advance and sorry for the big, boring read.