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Author Topic: Canadian 3D Models  (Read 2384 times)

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Canadian 3D Models
« on: 27 Aug 2002, 05:59:37 »
These models are of weapons used by the Canadian Armed Forces(Along with many other countries).
I am creating these models for http://www.operationnorthstar.com/ , and you can see these models on my webpage http://www.freewebs.com/wolfsmissions/models.htm .
I would like your opinions and comments, please however bear in mind that texturing will acount for any lack of detail.
These will be converted to ingame when the we get our hands on O2 when it hits public release.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #1 on: 31 Aug 2002, 06:22:46 »
Nice F/A-18.  I am surprised no one has released one yet.  It fits perfectly in the island setting.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #2 on: 01 Sep 2002, 00:50:56 »
Neither of the links work....


The canadian foces eh? Im canadian, and I would love to see somone build some canadian units, Like the LAVIII  and the Griffon Transport heli and all that good stuff.

I am learning 3DSmax and I would LOVE to help in one way or another.  IE: sounds.  So if you have any ideas on what I could do drop me a line.  :thumbsup:



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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #3 on: 02 Sep 2002, 00:53:56 »
The first link is not working because of a disagreement between the server, and the the head of the mod. Should be up again shortly.

The second link is to my webpage on Freewebs, which unfortunatly does not always work. Just come back and try again and it should work.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #4 on: 09 Sep 2002, 00:25:39 »
I've updated the Pics of the models, I also now have some Sniper rifles such as the Barret, and Mcmillan.
I aslo got an early ERYX Canadian AT weapon. errrrr, well its used by Canada, not sure who else might.
C8 and C7M203 model pics have also been updated.
Looking for your opinion.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #5 on: 17 Sep 2002, 06:10:36 »
It's great to see that you have the different variations of the C7... but could you change the scope to an optical sight as that is our standard issue now, please? The C7 also has safe, semi and full auto... make full auto useless at range. Rarely used except in trench raids and FIBUA (Fighting in Built Up Areas).

Also, do you intend to make the C-6 and C-9 machineguns? If so, could you make it so that the C-9 can use it's own unique ammo mag (box) and a C-7 mag. It can use either, can throw a box in it or an extra rifle magazine.

How about the Carl Gustav? You can't forget that, an amazing weapon and packs quite a punch. It would just go right through a car without blowing up. Meant for armored units. So, perhaps make it ineffective against car class if direct hit.

The 9mm would also need to be included being as it is the standard sidearm of the Canadian forces.

Oh, just something concerning the C7 and C8 since I'd like to see them as realistic as possible. Could you make each mag hold 28 rounds instead of 30? We never did punch 30 rounds into our mags as it's just asking for a jam.

When creating groups could you include regular sections, Weapons Det and recon? The weapons det has the heavy gear like the Carl and are almost the mules of the platoon. The normal section with 2 C9s and one C6, the rest being C7s. Arming the recon with C8s or C7s would be fine, they use either really. They aren't even used to participate in combat, they usually just withdraw back to the main platoon when contact is established being as Canadians always try to use 3-1 odds in engagements.

If you make soldiers could you possibly use the new Canadian camo? I assume you've seen it before? I kinda like the old olives better though, just hated walking about in those green patterned ones although I admit they are much more comfortable to wear in a possibly dangerous area. You know that they have 2 magazine pouches on the webbing each holding 4 mags, and one in the rifle. They of course have more in their rucksack but that's basically reserve ammo. Canadians use as few shots as possible and aim for center mass, lot of emphasizing on that in training. Also, remember that JTF doesn't really have an official uniform, they wear whatever fits for the terrain. Hence Afghanistan, you could see them with turbans wrapped about their heads.

As for vehicles, I'd like to see the Bradley, and the Couger for sure. As well as the classic Elte's (can't spell it) which is the lil green jeep that can put up quite a speed.

Just my 3 cents. Hope it's helpful.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #6 on: 17 Sep 2002, 16:05:04 »
I thank you for that info, and for your interest.
I'm working with the Operation Northstar mod
If you look there you'll see what the rest of the team is making, I'm only the 3D modeler, there are texturers who are making the Canadian soldiers and some other weapons such as the C9.
Just look through the news pages, hopefully that will answer sme questions.

I suggest you also log into the forum there and check out a couple threads in the Suggestions and ideas, and the Canadian military corner for more info on JTF2.
« Last Edit: 17 Sep 2002, 23:41:38 by Wolf »


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #7 on: 17 Sep 2002, 17:09:21 »
I got personal experience in the Canadian Forces, was qualified driver, comms, and machinegunner. I was the machinegunner's number 2, carried some belts of C6 ammo. Quite a heavy load ;)


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #8 on: 24 Sep 2002, 21:59:11 »
Are you in need of beta-testers because if you are then I'm game and I've used them in real life many a time so can give some detailed critics.

I'm also beginning to learn to texture and if I get it down pat then I wouldn't mind giving some of the Canadian weapons an attempt.

Of course, I work in the WW2 enviroment as well but the whole Canadian thing just strikes me as something I've been waiting a long while for.

BTW, fairly new issue to the forces and reserves are the C-7 with an m203 grenade launcher under the barrel. Maybe include one of them.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #9 on: 25 Sep 2002, 06:08:30 »
*Big grin on face*
hehehe, You didn't quite look at all of them did you? ;)
I have a C7FT + M203

I'm still working on getting that one ingame.
My C7FT, C8FT, Mcmillan .50, Barret .50, and P-226, have been imported, and the cpp, and textures are currently being done by other members of Operation Northstar(ONS).
NAA Marine posted a pic of my Mcmillan Textured by him somewhere on this forum.


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #10 on: 07 Oct 2002, 07:25:20 »
A few Questions:

What terrain's do you plan on having?

Are you going to cover the whole range of C weapons used by the CF?

Are you going to make the Sea King? Our obsolete piece of junk.

What about the Carl Gustov? Forgot it in your summary of work, and it's important.

If I got the time maybe I can work some on an island being as my site is down, interested?

Would it be possible for me to do some beta-testing?

Could you make IC and 2IC units for sections and stuff, and give them ranks on their sleeve?

How about a name tag with unreadable text for detail? Shoulder flashes with Canada on them?


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Re:Canadian 3D Models
« Reply #11 on: 10 Oct 2002, 02:01:27 »
Well now, those are all good questions, but I'm only a 3D modeler.
I suggest you go to the website, its in my signature, you should find all you need to know, and anything else, such as making islands, email PowerSlide, I can't recall his email adress off by heart, but it should be there on the site.