If Resistance is Friendly to East, then civilians will shoot at West but West will not shoot back.
If you want West to shoot at a civvy only after a certain event, then group the civvy under an East officer who has his probability of presence set to zero. Name the civvy. Write this setCaptive true in his init field. When you want West to shoot at him use the code unitName setCaptive false. If you want the civvy not to shoot at West till the event occurs then use careless/never fire at the start of the mission and aware when the event happens.
@ Scooter24
Editing the mission.sqm does work as you say, but its tedious and risky and if you attempt to edit the unit in the mission editor later the unit will revert to its original side. You don't have to rename the mission.sqm to mission.txt, Notepad can handle .sqm (and other OFP files) just fine. And welcome! :wave: