OK, I'm new here I have several dilemas. The first is that I have all three games and now I need to re-install them onto this computer, BUT I can only find the CD code for the first and main game, any way to get past the other two?
Secondly, I just finished downloading all of the upgrades I could, up to 1.46, and when I skim through all of the files to download I find no links to download them, only links for more info. And when i enter that it says all of these things about failures.
Lastly, I downloaded a folder which was to contain a packet of downloads, Jungle settings to many of the vehicles and to a map. Inside the folder there are 4 files. I've put each file into addons seperately and would launch OFP, I even put the entire .zip folder in and I couldn't find any of the untis of files.