If you look closely, or simply copy&paste the line I gave, it should atleast be different, if not even work.
The difference, double brackets in the colour array. See, the colour array has arrays inside it, for the colour and opacity transitions. When you have a shift from a colour to another you'd notice your fault easier:
Atleast with close eye'ing that's what I'd slap you for ;D
And now I understand the I, or I think I do. You have 1 too many elements... perhaps your trying to use I as a colour?
Drop ["cl_basic","","Billboard",2,15,[_a,_b,_c],[0,0,0],0,_d,0.77,_e,[0.01,0.02,0],[[[0.1,0,_f],]],1,0.5,"","",""]
Now you should see it.