Nah, he said he doesn't want the script to exit, because he wants it to start running again some time. Basically you should make a "waiting" section of your script. When a condition is met, the script jumps to that area and just does nothing, until the condition is no longer true. For example:
...blah blah
? endscript1 : goto "wait"
goto "MainScriptLoop"
? !(endscript1) : goto "MainScriptLoop"
goto "wait"
Then you just set "endscript1" to true whenever you want that script to "end" (or pause, really). Of course, it will look a little different depending on how your script is set up, but thats the basic format.
But if your formation is the same in both scripts (just further out or closer in), then you can just use one script and a global variable. For example, let's say man #1 is supposed to be 10 meters in front of the player in formation A, and 15 meters out in formation B. Instead of two scripts, you could have 1 script plus a "dispersion" variable, and just make man #1 go
10 + (5*dispersion)
meters in front of the player, with dispersion being either 0 or 1. This way you can also easily add in more dispersion distances without adding more scripts.
I did this for my custom formations in my Combat Patrol mission, and it worked amazingly well. I actually had 2 formations, in a way: the fireteam members were in a formation relative to their leader, and the fireteam leaders were in a formation relative to the player. Using the same dispersion variable for all units, I could increase or decrease this variable in a huge range, and the formation would look exactly the same, only more spread out.