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Author Topic: Co-op scripting  (Read 686 times)

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Offline Trash Can Man

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Co-op scripting
« on: 09 Nov 2004, 22:08:30 »
The other day I play on my first Co-op map. What I would like to know is how I can make a script so that players start out with more money. Anyone have any ideas?

Trash Can Man

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Co-op scripting
« Reply #1 on: 09 Nov 2004, 22:28:23 »
That depends on which money system you use. :P

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:

Offline Trash Can Man

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Re:Co-op scripting
« Reply #2 on: 09 Nov 2004, 23:37:53 »
how or where do I find this money system? there are so many scripts


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Re:Co-op scripting
« Reply #3 on: 09 Nov 2004, 23:58:41 »
Are you refering to MFCTI? If you are then you will have to edit InitServer.sqs in the main folder after you've de pbo'd it. Thats the only Co-op mission i know of other than cleanrocks with money in it!


Offline General Barron

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Re:Co-op scripting
« Reply #4 on: 10 Nov 2004, 02:01:21 »
Like armstr... er.. dmakatra said, there is normally no "money" system in OFP. Things like that are made by the mission maker... so how you change it will depend entirely on what mission you are talking about. Perhaps you could post the mission?
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Offline Trash Can Man

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Re:Co-op scripting
« Reply #5 on: 10 Nov 2004, 03:05:31 »
ok...I found the initserver, but when I changed it, the money was still the same. the mission is: [mfcti]_1.16_coop_everon.eden and this is the initserver script:

;Last modified 2/29/4
;Coop Addons version.
private ["_westStartingPlayerResources","_eastStartingPlayerResources"]
_westStartingPlayerResources = 0
_eastStartingPlayerResources = 0

? !(Local LocalServerObject):Exit

;For addon.
MFCTI116LocalServerObject = LocalServerObject;PublicVariable "MFCTI116LocalServerObject"

scopedWeapons = false;PublicVariable "scopedWeapons"
MFCTI116Extensions = true;PublicVariable "MFCTI116Extensions"

;Game property values.
westCoopValue         = 1
eastCoopValue         = 2
lessUnitsValue         = 4
nightMissionValue      = 8

;Set defaults.
fastGame = false;PublicVariable "fastGame"
limitedRadar = false;PublicVariable "limitedRadar"
lessUnits = false;PublicVariable "lessUnits"
nightMission = false;PublicVariable "nightMission"

fastGameMultiplier = 2;PublicVariable "fastGameMultiplier"
higherIncomeMultiplier = 2;PublicVariable "higherIncomeMultiplier"

;Variables for Coop Version.  Included for script compatibility between versions.
defendTheBase         = false;PublicVariable "defendTheBase"
lightOpValue         = 1;PublicVariable "lightOpValue"
averageOpValue         = 2;PublicVariable "averageOpValue"
heavyOpValue         = 4;PublicVariable "heavyOpValue"
insaneOpValue         = 8;PublicVariable "insaneOpValue"
defendTheBaseValue      = 16;PublicVariable "defendTheBaseValue"
westCoopValue         = 1;PublicVariable "westCoopValue"
eastCoopValue         = 2;PublicVariable "eastCoopValue"

;Default coop & opposition.
opposition            = lightOpValue;PublicVariable "opposition"
coopValue            = westCoopValue;PublicVariable "coopValue"

resistanceRatio = 0.025
newResistance = ObjNull

;Variables for MP Version.  Included for script compatibility between versions.
pointsToWin = 0;PublicVariable "pointsToWin"
townsToWin = 0;PublicVariable "townsToWin"
timeToEnd = 0;PublicVariable "timeToEnd"

;Set any game parameters that have been passed in.
? (param1 == eastCoopValue):coopValue = eastCoopValue;PublicVariable "coopValue"
? (param1 == lessUnitsValue):lessUnits = true;PublicVariable "lessUnits"
? (param1 == westCoopValue+lessUnitsValue):lessUnits = true;PublicVariable "lessUnits"
? (param1 == eastCoopValue+lessUnitsValue):coopValue = eastCoopValue;PublicVariable

"coopValue";lessUnits = true;PublicVariable "lessUnits"
? (param1 == nightMissionValue):nightMission = true;PublicVariable "nightMission"
? (param1 == westCoopValue+nightMissionValue):nightMission = true;PublicVariable "nightMission"
? (param1 == eastCoopValue+nightMissionValue):nightMission = true;PublicVariable

"nightMission";coopValue = eastCoopValue;PublicVariable "coopValue"
? (param1 == lessUnitsValue+nightMissionValue):lessUnits = true;PublicVariable

"lessUnits";nightMission = true;PublicVariable "nightMission"
? (param1 == westCoopValue+lessUnitsValue+nightMissionValue):lessUnits = true;PublicVariable

"lessUnits";nightMission = true;PublicVariable "nightMission"
? (param1 == eastCoopValue+lessUnitsValue+nightMissionValue):coopValue =

eastCoopValue;PublicVariable "coopValue";lessUnits = true;PublicVariable "lessUnits";nightMission =

true;PublicVariable "nightMission"

;Set any coop parameters that have been passed in.
? (param2 == averageOpValue):opposition = averageOpValue;PublicVariable "opposition"
? (param2 == heavyOpValue):opposition = heavyOpValue;PublicVariable "opposition"
? (param2 == insaneOpValue):opposition = insaneOpValue;PublicVariable "opposition"
? (param2 == defendTheBaseValue):defendTheBase = true;PublicVariable "defendTheBase"
? (param2 == averageOpValue+defendTheBaseValue):opposition = averageOpValue;PublicVariable

"opposition";defendTheBase = true;PublicVariable "defendTheBase"
? (param2 == heavyOpValue+defendTheBaseValue):opposition = heavyOpValue;PublicVariable

"opposition";defendTheBase = true;PublicVariable "defendTheBase"
? (param2 == insaneOpValue+defendTheBaseValue):opposition = insaneOpValue;PublicVariable

"opposition";defendTheBase = true;PublicVariable "defendTheBase"

;Adjust the AI resources by the opposition value.
_oppositionResources = opposition * 100000
_teamOppositionResources = opposition * 100000

;Adjust the resistance in town by the opposition value.
? (opposition == lightOpValue):resistanceRatio = resistanceRatio / 2
? (opposition == heavyOpValue):resistanceRatio = resistanceRatio * 1.5;_oppositionResources =

_oppositionResources * 2;_teamOppositionResources = _teamOppositionResources * 5
? (opposition == insaneOpValue):resistanceRatio = resistanceRatio * 3;_oppositionResources =

_oppositionResources * 2;_teamOppositionResources = _teamOppositionResources * 10

;If defend the base mode give the AI nearly unlimited resources since they won't bother with towns.
? (defendTheBase):_oppositionResources = 500000;_teamOppositionResources = 500000

estimatedTimeLeft = 60
? (timeToEnd > 0):estimatedTimeLeft = timeToEnd;PublicVariable "estimatedTimeLeft"

westResources = 9000;PublicVariable "westResources"
eastResources = 9000;PublicVariable "eastResources"

_westStartingPlayerResources = 850
_eastStartingPlayerResources = 850

? (coopValue == westCoopValue):_eastStartingPlayerResources = _teamOppositionResources;eastResources

= _oppositionResources;PublicVariable "eastResources"
? (coopValue == eastCoopValue):_westStartingPlayerResources = _teamOppositionResources;westResources

= _oppositionResources;PublicVariable "westResources"

maxAIGroupSize = 12
maxVehicles = 80

;If less units parameter was set then reduce the allowed vehicles and units to improve performance.
? (lessUnits):maxVehicles = 10;maxAIGroupSize = 6

PublicVariable "maxVehicles"
PublicVariable "maxAIGroupSize"

maxVehicleMarkers = 50;PublicVariable "maxVehicleMarkers"
maxWorkers = 10;PublicVariable "maxWorkers"
maxSalvagers = 5;PublicVariable "maxSalvagers"
maxStationaryM2s = 10;PublicVariable "maxStationaryM2s"
maxStationaryHEs = 5;PublicVariable "maxStationaryHEs"
maxStationaryAAs = 5;PublicVariable "maxStationaryAAs"
maxStationaryMortars = 5;PublicVariable "maxStationaryMortars"

;Enable to set in-game debug text and able faster build time and more resources.
debug = false;PublicVariable "debug"

;Enable beta testing debug text for the commander's score.
debugMP = false;PublicVariable "debugMP"

;Set to use other group's weapon addons.
addons = false;PublicVariable "addons"
OFP146 = false;PublicVariable "OFP146"

;If this variable is set then the MFCTI addon will not be used.
;As a result AIs will not attack buildings and there will be no custom map icons.
;This option is available so that any player can jump on a server without the need of an addon.
publicServer = false;PublicVariable "publicServer"

westCommanderOnlyMHQ = true;PublicVariable "westCommanderOnlyMHQ"
eastCommanderOnlyMHQ = true;PublicVariable "eastCommanderOnlyMHQ"

;Percent of resources that are put into the player resource pool and divided amongst the players.
westPlayerResourcePercentage = 0.3;PublicVariable "westPlayerResourcePercentage"
eastPlayerResourcePercentage = 0.3;PublicVariable "eastPlayerResourcePercentage"

;Percent of resources that are put into the player award pool (divided based on score).
westPlayerAwardPercentage = 0.1;PublicVariable "westPlayerAwardPercentage"
eastPlayerAwardPercentage = 0.1;PublicVariable "eastPlayerAwardPercentage"

;Set true if playing OFP 1.46 for a text-only menu-interface.
;If running OFP:Resistance set true for a graphical point & click interface.
noGUI = false;PublicVariable "noGUI"

westCommanderInRepairTruckRange = false;PublicVariable "westCommanderInRepairTruckRange"
eastCommanderInRepairTruckRange = false;PublicVariable "eastCommanderInRepairTruckRange"

westRadarEnabled = false;PublicVariable "westRadarEnabled"
eastRadarEnabled = false;PublicVariable "eastRadarEnabled"

requestScore = false;PublicVariable "requestScore"

westIncome = 0;PublicVariable "westIncome"
eastIncome = 0;PublicVariable "eastIncome"

westTownsHeld = 0;PublicVariable "westTownsHeld"
eastTownsHeld = 0;PublicVariable "eastTownsHeld"

westBaseFound = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westBaseFound"
eastBaseFound = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastBaseFound"

;Message to send to an entire side.
westMessage = 0;PublicVariable "westMessage"
eastMessage = 0;PublicVariable "eastMessage"

westMessageValue1 = 0;PublicVariable "westMessageValue1"
westMessageValue2 = 0;PublicVariable "westMessageValue2"
eastMessageValue1 = 0;PublicVariable "eastMessageValue1"
eastMessageValue2 = 0;PublicVariable "eastMessageValue2"

;Message to send to a specific player.
westPlayerMessage = 0;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessage"
eastPlayerMessage = 0;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessage"

;Player to send message to.
westPlayerMessagePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessagePlayer"
eastPlayerMessagePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessagePlayer"

;Player group # that sent the message.
westPlayerMessageGroupFrom = 0;PublicVariable "westPlayerMessageGroupFrom"
eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom = 0;PublicVariable "eastPlayerMessageGroupFrom"

;Team markers for enemy structures and activity.
westMarkerID = 0;PublicVariable "westMarkerID"
westMarkerTeam = 0;PublicVariable "westMarkerTeam"
westMarkerType = 0;PublicVariable "westMarkerType"
westMarkerUnit = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westMarkerUnit"

eastMarkerID = 0;PublicVariable "eastMarkerID"
eastMarkerTeam = 0;PublicVariable "eastMarkerTeam"
eastMarkerType = 0;PublicVariable "eastMarkerType"
eastMarkerUnit = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastMarkerUnit"

westFireMission = false;PublicVariable "westFireMission"
eastFireMission = false;PublicVariable "eastFireMission"
westFireMissionX = 0;PublicVariable "westFireMissionX"
westFireMissionY = 0;PublicVariable "westFireMissionY"
eastFireMissionX = 0;PublicVariable "eastFireMissionX"
eastFireMissionY = 0;PublicVariable "eastFireMissionY"

westRequestFireMission = false;PublicVariable "westRequestFireMission"
eastRequestFireMission = false;PublicVariable "eastRequestFireMission"
westRequestFireMissionX = 0;PublicVariable "westRequestFireMissionX"
westRequestFireMissionY = 0;PublicVariable "westRequestFireMissionY"
eastRequestFireMissionX = 0;PublicVariable "eastRequestFireMissionX"
eastRequestFireMissionY = 0;PublicVariable "eastRequestFireMissionY"

;Server request to add a unit to an AI group.
westAddToQueue = 0;PublicVariable "westAddToQueue"
westAddToQueuePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westAddToQueuePlayer"
westAddToQueueTeam = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westAddToQueueTeam"
westAddToQueueManned = false;PublicVariable "westAddToQueueManned"
westAddToQueueBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westAddToQueueBuilding"

eastAddToQueue = 0;PublicVariable "eastAddToQueue"
eastAddToQueuePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastAddToQueuePlayer"
eastAddToQueueTeam = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastAddToQueueTeam"
eastAddToQueueManned = false;PublicVariable "eastAddToQueueManned"
eastAddToQueueBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastAddToQueueBuilding"

buildingActionRange = 15;PublicVariable "buildingActionRange"

;Distance from the Mobile Command HQ that a commander can be and build.
mobileHQBuildDistance = 150;PublicVariable "mobileHQBuildDistance"

;Request variables for adding special vehicles to the server lists.
westAmmoTruck = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westAmmoTruck"
eastAmmoTruck = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastAmmoTruck"

westSalvageTruck = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westSalvageTruck"
eastSalvageTruck = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastSalvageTruck"

westRepairTruck = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westRepairTruck"
eastRepairTruck = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastRepairTruck"

;Game over variables

;Buildings to pan around when the game ends.
loserBarracks = ObjNull;PublicVariable "loserBarracks"
loserLight = ObjNull;PublicVariable "loserLight"
loserHeavy = ObjNull;PublicVariable "loserHeavy"
loserAir = ObjNull;PublicVariable "loserAir"

;End of game over variables

westSelectedGroup = 1;PublicVariable "westSelectedGroup"
westSelectedAll = false;PublicVariable "westSelectedAll"
eastSelectedGroup = 1;PublicVariable "eastSelectedGroup"
eastSelectedAll = false;PublicVariable "eastSelectedAll"

eastCommanderDead = false
westCommanderDead = false

addToWestPlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addToWestPlayer"
addToWestPlayerUnit = 0;PublicVariable "addToWestPlayerUnit"
addToWestPlayerBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addToWestPlayerBuilding"

addToEastPlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addToEastPlayer"
addToEastPlayerUnit = 0;PublicVariable "addToEastPlayerUnit"
addToEastPlayerBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addToEastPlayerBuilding"

;Request server to add resources to team and amount to add.
addWestResourcesToTeam = -1;PublicVariable "addWestResourcesToTeam"
addWestResourcesFromTeam = -1;PublicVariable "addWestResourcesFromTeam"
addWestResourcesToTeamAmount = 0;PublicVariable "addWestResourcesToTeamAmount"

addEastResourcesToTeam = -1;PublicVariable "addEastResourcesToTeam"
addEastResourcesFromTeam = -1;PublicVariable "addEastResourcesFromTeam"
addEastResourcesToTeamAmount = 0;PublicVariable "addEastResourcesToTeamAmount"

addWestAwardResources = 0;PublicVariable "addWestAwardResources"
addEastAwardResources = 0;PublicVariable "addEastAwardResources"

;Request server to count total vehicles for a side.
countWestVehicles = false;PublicVariable "countWestVehicles"
countEastVehicles = false;PublicVariable "countEastVehicles"

;Total vehicles for each side.
totalWestVehicles = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestVehicles"
totalEastVehicles = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastVehicles"

buyWestMortarShells = ObjNull;PublicVariable "buyWestMortarShells"
buyWestMortarShellsUnit = ObjNull;PublicVariable "buyWestMortarShellsUnit"

buyEastMortarShells = ObjNull;PublicVariable "buyEastMortarShells"
buyEastMortarShellsUnit = ObjNull;PublicVariable "buyEastMortarShellsUnit"

;Player waypoints
;While SetPlayerWaypoint is true server is busy processing waypoint.
westSetPlayerWaypoint = false;PublicVariable "westSetPlayerWaypoint"
eastSetPlayerWaypoint = false;PublicVariable "eastSetPlayerWaypoint"

;Player that requests a waypoint placement.
westPlayerWaypointPlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westPlayerWaypointPlayer"
eastPlayerWaypointPlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastPlayerWaypointPlayer"

;Group # that requests waypoint placement.
westPlayerWaypointGroup = 0;PublicVariable "westPlayerWaypointGroup"
eastPlayerWaypointGroup = 0;PublicVariable "eastPlayerWaypointGroup"

;Use x,y instead of player since a non-severside player often cannot be determined properly from

westPlayerWaypointX = 0;PublicVariable "westPlayerWaypointX"
westPlayerWaypointY = 0;PublicVariable "westPlayerWaypointY"

eastPlayerWaypointX = 0;PublicVariable "eastPlayerWaypointX"
eastPlayerWaypointY = 0;PublicVariable "eastPlayerWaypointY"

;Request to add a new vehicle to server list.
addWestLight = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestLight"
addWestMisc = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestMisc"
addWestHeavy = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestHeavy"
addWestAir = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestAir"
addWestTransport = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestTransport"

addEastLight = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastLight"
addEastMisc = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastMisc"
addEastHeavy = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastHeavy"
addEastAir = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastAir"
addEastTransport = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastTransport"

queuedUnitRequestedMP = false;PublicVariable "queuedUnitRequestedMP"

;Update a player's score on all clients.
addWestPlayerPointsPlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestPlayerPointsPlayer"
addWestPlayerPoints = 0;PublicVariable "addWestPlayerPoints"
addWestPlayerPointsLast = 0;PublicVariable "addWestPlayerPointsLast"
addWestPlayerPointsID = 0;PublicVariable "addWestPlayerPointsID"

addEastPlayerPointsPlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastPlayerPointsPlayer"
addEastPlayerPoints = 0;PublicVariable "addEastPlayerPoints"
addEastPlayerPointsLast = 0;PublicVariable "addEastPlayerPointsLast"
addEastPlayerPointsID = 0;PublicVariable "addEastPlayerPointsID"

;Request to undo last structure that player created.
undoLastStructure = false;PublicVariable "undoLastStructure"
undoLastStructurePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "undoLastStructurePlayer"

deleteStructure = ObjNull;PublicVariable "deleteStructure"

;Update Commander so the server can calculate their current heading & position.
westCurrentCommander = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westCurrentCommander"
eastCurrentCommander = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastCurrentCommander"

westCommanderPosition = GetPos WestCommander;PublicVariable "westCommanderPosition"
westCommanderDirection = 0;PublicVariable "westCommanderDirection"

eastCommanderPosition = GetPos EastCommander;PublicVariable "eastCommanderPosition"
eastCommanderDirection = 0;PublicVariable "eastCommanderDirection"

;Variables for placing structures.
addWestStructure = false;PublicVariable "addWestStructure"
addWestStructureType = 0;PublicVariable "addWestStructureType"
addWestStructurePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestStructurePlayer"
addWestStructureX = 0;PublicVariable "addWestStructureX"
addWestStructureY = 0;PublicVariable "addWestStructureY"
addWestStructureZ = 0;PublicVariable "addWestStructureZ"
addWestStructureDirection = 0;PublicVariable "addWestStructureDirection"
addWestStructureAlign = false;PublicVariable "addWestStructureAlign"

addEastStructure = false;PublicVariable "addEastStructure"
addEastStructureType = 0;PublicVariable "addEastStructureType"
addEastStructurePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastStructurePlayer"
addEastStructureX = 0;PublicVariable "addEastStructureX"
addEastStructureY = 0;PublicVariable "addEastStructureY"
addEastStructureZ = 0;PublicVariable "addEastStructureZ"
addEastStructureDirection = 0;PublicVariable "addEastStructureDirection"
addEastStructureAlign = false;PublicVariable "addEastStructureAlign"

;For requests to add resources to side.
addWestResources = 0;PublicVariable "addWestResources"
addEastResources = 0;PublicVariable "addEastResources"

;For requests to add resources equally to each player and commander on a side.
addWestEqualResources = 0;PublicVariable "addWestEqualResources"
addEastEqualResources = 0;PublicVariable "addEastEqualResources"

;For requests to subtract resources from a side.
subtractWestResources = 0;PublicVariable "subtractWestResources"
subtractEastResources = 0;PublicVariable "subtractEastResources"

;For requests to deploy a worker at the Mobile HQ.
deployWestWorker = false;PublicVariable "deployWestWorker"
deployEastWorker = false;PublicVariable "deployEastWorker"

;For requests to deploy create a worker at a barracks.
createWestWorker = false;PublicVariable "createWestWorker"
createEastWorker = false;PublicVariable "createEastWorker"

;For requests for the server to create a manned vehicle.
addWestMannedVehicle = 0;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehicle"
addWestMannedVehicleBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehicleBuilding"
addWestDriver = 0;PublicVariable "addWestDriver"
addWestGunner = 0;PublicVariable "addWestGunner"
addWestCommander = 0;PublicVariable "addWestCommander"
addWestMannedVehicleGroup = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehicleGroup"
addWestMannedVehiclePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehiclePlayer"
addWestMannedVehicleType = 0;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehicleType"
addWestMannedVehicleScript = 0;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehicleScript"
addWestMannedVehicleTeamPurchase = false;PublicVariable "addWestMannedVehicleTeamPurchase"

addEastMannedVehicle = 0;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehicle"
addEastMannedVehicleBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehicleBuilding"
addEastDriver = 0;PublicVariable "addEastDriver"
addEastGunner = 0;PublicVariable "addEastGunner"
addEastCommander = 0;PublicVariable "addEastCommander"
addEastMannedVehicleGroup = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehicleGroup"
addEastMannedVehiclePlayer = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehiclePlayer"
addEastMannedVehicleType = 0;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehicleType"
addEastMannedVehicleScript = 0;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehicleScript"
addEastMannedVehicleTeamPurchase = false;PublicVariable "addEastMannedVehicleTeamPurchase"

;For requests for the server to create a unit.
addWestUnitBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestUnitBuilding"
addWestUnit = 0;PublicVariable "addWestUnit"
addWestUnitGroup = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addWestUnitGroup"
addWestUnitScript = 0;PublicVariable "addWestUnitScript"
addWestUnitTeamPurchase = false;PublicVariable "addWestUnitTeamPurchase"

addEastUnitBuilding = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastUnitBuilding"
addEastUnit = 0;PublicVariable "addEastUnit"
addEastUnitGroup = ObjNull;PublicVariable "addEastUnitGroup"
addEastUnitScript = 0;PublicVariable "addEastUnitScript"
addEastUnitTeamPurchase = false;PublicVariable "addEastUnitTeamPurchase"

;Last building created by west.
westBuildingBuiltMP = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westBuildingBuiltMP"
westBuildingBuiltTypeMP = 0;PublicVariable "westBuildingBuiltNameMP"

;Last building created by east.
eastBuildingBuiltMP = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastBuildingBuiltMP"
eastBuildingBuiltTypeMP = 0;PublicVariable "eastBuildingBuiltNameMP"

;Last unit created.
westUnitBuiltMP = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westUnitBuiltMP"
eastUnitBuiltMP = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastUnitBuiltMP"

;Last building to be put in use (building something).
;Note if state is true it is building, if state is false it has stopped.
westRequestBuildingInUseMP = false;PublicVariable "westRequestBuildingInUseMP"
westBuildingInUseMP = ObjNull;PublicVariable "westBuildingInUseMP"
westBuildingInUseStateMP = false;PublicVariable "westBuildingInUseStateMP"

;Last building to be put in use (building something).
;Note if state is true it is building, if state is false it has stopped.
eastRequestBuildingInUseMP = false;PublicVariable "eastRequestBuildingInUseMP"
eastBuildingInUseMP = ObjNull;PublicVariable "eastBuildingInUseMP"
eastBuildingInUseStateMP = false;PublicVariable "eastBuildingInUseStateMP"

totalWestInfantryFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestInfantryFactories"
totalWestLightFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestLightFactories"
totalWestHeavyFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestHeavyFactories"
totalWestAirFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestAirFactories"
totalWestControlCenters = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestControlCenters"
totalWestRepairDepots = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestRepairDepots"
totalWestObservationTowers = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestObservationTowers"
totalWestFieldHospitals = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestFieldHospitals"

totalEastInfantryFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastInfantryFactories"
totalEastLightFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastLightFactories"
totalEastHeavyFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastHeavyFactories"
totalEastAirFactories = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastAirFactories"
totalEastControlCenters = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastControlCenters"
totalEastRepairDepots = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastRepairDepots"
totalEastObservationTowers = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastObservationTowers"
totalEastFieldHospitals = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastFieldHospitals"

totalWestSalvagers = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestSalvagers"
totalEastSalvagers = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastSalvagers"

totalWestStationaryMortars = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestStationaryMortars"
totalEastStationaryMortars = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastStationaryMortars"

totalWestStationaryAAs = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestStationaryAAs"
totalEastStationaryAAs = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastStationaryAAs"

totalWestStationaryHEs = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestStationaryHEs"
totalEastStationaryHEs = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastStationaryHEs"

totalWestStationaryM2s = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestStationaryM2s"
totalEastStationaryM2s = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastStationaryM2s"

totalWestWorkers = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestWorkers"
totalEastWorkers = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastWorkers"

totalWestCasualties = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestCasualties"
totalEastCasualties = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastCasualties"
totalResistanceCasualties = 0;PublicVariable "totalResistanceCasualties"
totalCivilianCasualties = 0;PublicVariable "totalCivilianCasualties"

totalWestVehiclesLost = 0;PublicVariable "totalWestVehiclesLost"
totalEastVehiclesLost = 0;PublicVariable "totalEastVehiclesLost"
totalResistanceVehiclesLost = 0;PublicVariable "totalResistanceVehiclesLost"
totalCivilianVehiclesLost = 0;PublicVariable "totalCivilianVehiclesLost"

westCommanderInControlRange = false;PublicVariable "westCommanderInControlRange"
eastCommanderInControlRange = false;PublicVariable "eastCommanderInControlRange"

;Type of upgrade to request the server to start.
westRequestUpgrade = 0;PublicVariable "westRequestUpgrade"
eastRequestUpgrade = 0;PublicVariable "eastRequestUpgrade"

;If true an upgrade is in progress.
westUpgradeInProgress = false;PublicVariable "westUpgradeInProgress"
westUpgradeInProgressType = 0;PublicVariable "westUpgradeInProgressType"

eastUpgradeInProgress = false;PublicVariable "eastUpgradeInProgress"
eastUpgradeInProgressType = 0;PublicVariable "eastUpgradeInProgressType"


commanderDeadBonus = 400;PublicVariable "commanderDeadBonus"

;Range at which an AI leader will teleport to to enter a newly created vehicle if leader is on foot.
leaderIntoVehicleRange = 100

;Script type
assaultScript         = 1;PublicVariable "assaultScript"
defenseScript         = 2;PublicVariable "defenseScript"
blackOpsScript         = 3;PublicVariable "blackOpsScript"
moveToWaypointScript   = 4;PublicVariable "moveToWaypointScript"
newWaypointOrderScript   = 5;PublicVariable "newWaypointOrderScript"
defendBaseScript      = 6;PublicVariable "defendBaseScript"
searchAndDestroyScript   = 7;PublicVariable "searchAndDestroyScript"
commandVehiclesScript   = 8;PublicVariable "commandVehiclesScript"
disembarkVehiclesScript = 9;PublicVariable "disembarkVehiclesScript"
embarkTransportScript   = 10;PublicVariable "embarkTransportScript"
disembarkTransportScript= 11;PublicVariable "disembarkTransportScript"
takeTownsAndBasesScript   = 12;PublicVariable "takeTownsAndBasesScript"
defendTownsAndBasesScript= 13;PublicVariable "defendTownsAndBasesScript"
recycleScript         = 14;PublicVariable "recycleScript"
newOrderScript         = 40;PublicVariable "newOrderScript"
salvageScript         = 50;PublicVariable "salvageScript"
utilityScript         = 51;PublicVariable "utilityScript"
noScript            = 100;PublicVariable "noScript"

;Goal type
offensiveGoal         = 0;PublicVariable "offensiveGoal"
defensiveGoal         = 1;PublicVariable "defensiveGoal"

;Role type
infantryRole         = 0;PublicVariable "infantryRole"
infantryAARole         = 1;PublicVariable "infantryAARole"
infantryATRole         = 2;PublicVariable "infantryATRole"
infantryCQBRole         = 3;PublicVariable "infantryCQBRole"
blackOpsRole         = 4;PublicVariable "blackOpsRole"
mechanizedRole         = 5;PublicVariable "mechanizedRole"
mechanizedAARole      = 6;PublicVariable "mechanizedAARole"
armourRole            = 7;PublicVariable "armourRole"
armourHeavyRole         = 8;PublicVariable "armourHeavyRole"
airRole               = 9;PublicVariable "airRole"

minIndependentSize      = 3


_count = 0
_totalTeams = Count teamMapDesignations


   ;Team points.
   Call Format["west%1Points = 0;PublicVariable ""west%1Points""",teamMapDesignations Select

   Call Format["east%1Points = 0;PublicVariable ""east%1Points""",teamMapDesignations Select


   Call Format["west%1LastPoints = 0;PublicVariable ""west%1LastPoints""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1LastPoints = 0;PublicVariable ""east%1LastPoints""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]

   Call Format["westTotal%1Points = 0;PublicVariable ""westTotal%1Points""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]
   Call Format["eastTotal%1Points = 0;PublicVariable ""eastTotal%1Points""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]

   Call Format["west%1Votes = 0;PublicVariable ""west%1Votes""",teamMapDesignations Select

   Call Format["east%1Votes = 0;PublicVariable ""east%1Votes""",teamMapDesignations Select


   Call Format["west%1Player = false;PublicVariable ""west%1Player""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1Player = false;PublicVariable ""east%1Player""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]

   ? (_count == groupCommander):goto "SetNextTeamVariables"

   Call Format["west%1Resources = _westStartingPlayerResources;PublicVariable

""west%1Resources""",teamMapDesignations Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1Resources = _eastStartingPlayerResources;PublicVariable

""east%1Resources""",teamMapDesignations Select _count]

   ;Team scripts
   Call Format["west%1TeamScript = assaultScript;PublicVariable

""west%1TeamScript""",teamMapDesignations Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1TeamScript = assaultScript;PublicVariable

""east%1TeamScript""",teamMapDesignations Select _count]

   ;Independent teams.
   Call Format["west%1Independent = false;PublicVariable

""west%1Independent""",teamMapDesignations Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1Independent = false;PublicVariable

""east%1Independent""",teamMapDesignations Select _count]

   ;Team roles.
   Call Format["west%1Role = infantryRole;PublicVariable ""west%1Role""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1Role = infantryRole;PublicVariable ""east%1Role""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]

   ;Team goals.
   Call Format["west%1Goal = offensiveGoal;PublicVariable ""west%1Goal""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]
   Call Format["east%1Goal = offensiveGoal;PublicVariable ""east%1Goal""",teamMapDesignations

Select _count]


      _count = _count + 1
      ? (_count < _totalTeams):goto "SetTeamVariables"

westTotalPoints = 0;PublicVariable "westTotalPoints"
eastTotalPoints = 0;PublicVariable "eastTotalPoints"

;End multiplayer variables

@ (statsStarted)

;Set default vote options.
_count = 0
_totalVotes = Count voteVariables


   Call Format["%1 = false;publicVariable ""%1""",voteVariables Select _count]

   _count = _count + 1
   ? (_count < _totalVotes):goto "SetVoteOption"

@ (gameStarted)


westPlayers = 0
eastPlayers = 0

;Evaluate which teams are player controlled and make the data public.
? (!Local Leader WestCommanderTeam)||(Leader WestCommanderTeam == player):westCommanderPlayer =

true;PublicVariable "westCommanderPlayer";westResources = 9000;PublicVariable "westResources"
? !(IsNull WestAlphaTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestAlphaTeam)||(Leader WestAlphaTeam ==

player)):westAlphaPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westAlphaPlayer";westAlphaResources =

850;PublicVariable "westAlphaResources";hint "fuct"
? !(IsNull WestBravoTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestBravoTeam)||(Leader WestBravoTeam ==

player)):westBravoPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westBravoPlayer";westBravoResources =

850;PublicVariable "westBravoResources"
? !(IsNull WestCharlieTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestCharlieTeam)||(Leader WestCharlieTeam ==

player)):westCharliePlayer = true;PublicVariable "westCharliePlayer";westCharlieResources =

850;PublicVariable "westCharlieResources"
? !(IsNull WestDeltaTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestDeltaTeam)||(Leader WestDeltaTeam ==

player)):westDeltaPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westDeltaPlayer";westDeltaResources =

850;PublicVariable "westDeltaResources"
? !(IsNull WestEchoTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestEchoTeam)||(Leader WestEchoTeam ==

player)):westEchoPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westEchoPlayer";westEchoResources =

850;PublicVariable "westEchoResources"
? !(IsNull WestFoxtrotTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestFoxtrotTeam)||(Leader WestFoxtrotTeam ==

player)):westFoxtrotPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westFoxtrotPlayer";westFoxtrotResources =

850;PublicVariable "westFoxtrotResources"
? !(IsNull WestGolfTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestGolfTeam)||(Leader WestGolfTeam ==

player)):westGolfPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westGolfPlayer";westGolfResources =

850;PublicVariable "westGolfResources"
? !(IsNull WestHotelTeam)&&((!Local Leader WestHotelTeam)||(Leader WestHotelTeam ==

player)):westHotelPlayer = true;PublicVariable "westHotelPlayer";westHotelResources =

850;PublicVariable "westHotelResources"

? !(IsNull EastCommanderTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastCommanderTeam)||(Leader EastCommanderTeam ==

player)):eastCommanderPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastCommanderPlayer";eastResources =

9000;PublicVariable "eastResources"
? !(IsNull EastAlphaTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastAlphaTeam)||(Leader EastAlphaTeam ==

player)):eastAlphaPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastAlphaPlayer";eastAlphaResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastAlphaResources"
? !(IsNull EastBravoTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastBravoTeam)||(Leader EastBravoTeam ==

player)):eastBravoPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastBravoPlayer";eastBravoResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastBravoResources"
? !(IsNull EastCharlieTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastCharlieTeam)||(Leader EastCharlieTeam ==

player)):eastCharliePlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastCharliePlayer";eastCharlieResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastCharlieResources"
? !(IsNull EastDeltaTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastDeltaTeam)||(Leader EastDeltaTeam ==

player)):eastDeltaPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastDeltaPlayer";eastDeltaResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastDeltaResources"
? !(IsNull EastEchoTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastEchoTeam)||(Leader EastEchoTeam ==

player)):eastEchoPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastEchoPlayer";eastEchoResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastEchoResources"
? !(IsNull EastFoxtrotTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastFoxtrotTeam)||(Leader EastFoxtrotTeam ==

player)):eastFoxtrotPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastFoxtrotPlayer";eastFoxtrotResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastFoxtrotResources"
? !(IsNull EastGolfTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastGolfTeam)||(Leader EastGolfTeam ==

player)):eastGolfPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastGolfPlayer";eastGolfResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastGolfResources"
? !(IsNull EastHotelTeam)&&((!Local Leader EastHotelTeam)||(Leader EastHotelTeam ==

player)):eastHotelPlayer = true;PublicVariable "eastHotelPlayer";eastHotelResources =

850;PublicVariable "eastHotelResources"

;Create server-side list of player controlled teams.
_count = 0
_totalGroups = Count westGroups

;Any groups that are not local to the server are player groups.  Add them to player group list.

   _westGroup = westGroups Select _count
   _eastGroup = eastGroups Select _count

   ? !(IsNull _westGroup)&&((!Local Leader _westGroup)||(Leader _westGroup ==

player)):westPlayerGroups = westPlayerGroups + [westGroups Select _count]
   ? !(IsNull _eastGroup)&&((!Local Leader _eastGroup)||(Leader _eastGroup ==

player)):eastPlayerGroups = eastPlayerGroups + [eastGroups Select _count]

   _count = _count + 1

   ? (_count < _totalGroups):goto "CountPlayerGroups"

? (debug):_mes = format["West player groups: %1",westPlayerGroups];WestCommander GlobalChat(_mes)
? (debug):_mes = format["East player groups: %1",eastPlayerGroups];EastCommander GlobalChat(_mes)

_groups = westPlayerGroups - [WestCommanderTeam]
westPlayers = Count _groups;PublicVariable "westPlayers"

_groups = eastPlayerGroups - [EastCommanderTeam]
eastPlayers = Count _groups;PublicVariable "eastPlayers"

westCommandWaypoint = [0,0,0]
eastCommandWaypoint = [0,0,0]


;Last structure that a player built.  (Used for undo feature).
westLastPlayerStructure = ObjNull
eastLastPlayerStructure = ObjNull

westDefenseTeams = []
westDefendedTargets = []
eastDefenseTeams = []
eastDefendedTargets = []

westLightVehicles = []
westHeavyVehicles = []
westAirVehicles = []

eastLightVehicles = []
eastHeavyVehicles = []
eastAirVehicles = []

westTransports = []
eastTransports = []

westSalvageTrucks = []
eastSalvageTrucks = []

westAmmoTrucks = []
eastAmmoTrucks = []

westRepairTrucks = []
eastRepairTrucks = []

westVehicles = []
eastVehicles = []
resisanceVehicles = []

vehicles = []
playerOnlyReinforcements = []

;Server building lists.
;Build time is the time left until unit being contructed by building is complete.  Example, a

barracks training a soldier.
;Buildings in use are unavailable to perform other actions.  Usually in use when building something.
;Building damage is the amount of left until a building is repaired or constructed.

buildTimesServer = []
buildingsInUseServer = []
buildingsBuiltServer = []

townBarracks = []
townBarracksDamage = []
townBarracksBuildTime = []
townBarracksSide = []

townFactory = []
townFactoryDamage = []
townFactoryBuildTime = []
townFactorySide = []

westLightFactory = []
westLightFactoryDamage = []
westLightFactoryBuildTime = []

eastLightFactory = []
eastLightFactoryDamage = []
eastLightFactoryBuildTime = []

westHeavyFactory = []
westHeavyFactoryDamage = []
westHeavyFactoryBuildTime = []

eastHeavyFactory = []
eastHeavyFactoryDamage = []
eastHeavyFactoryBuildTime = []

westAirFactory = []
westAirFactoryDamage = []
westAirFactoryBuildTime = []
westAirFactoryPad = []

eastAirFactory = []
eastAirFactoryDamage = []
eastAirFactoryBuildTime = []
eastAirFactoryPad = []

westInfantryFactory = []
westInfantryFactoryDamage = []
westInfantryFactoryBuildTime = []

eastInfantryFactory = []
eastInfantryFactoryDamage = []
eastInfantryFactoryBuildTime = []

westControlCenter = []
westControlCenterDamage = []
westControlCenterBuildTime = []

eastControlCenter = []
eastControlCenterDamage = []
eastControlCenterBuildTime = []

westAmmoDepot = []
westAmmoDepotDamage = []

eastAmmoDepot = []
eastAmmoDepotDamage = []

westRepairDepot = []
westRepairDepotDamage = []

eastRepairDepot = []
eastRepairDepotDamage = []

westObservationTower = []
westObservationTowerDamage = []

eastObservationTower = []
eastObservationTowerDamage = []

westFieldHospital = []
westFieldHospitalDamage = []

eastFieldHospital = []
eastFieldHospitalDamage = []

;Defense structures.
westM2Gun = []
westM2GunDamage = []

eastM2Gun = []
eastM2GunDamage = []

westM2Station = []
westM2StationDamage = []

eastM2Station = []
eastM2StationDamage = []

westM2Fortification   = []
westM2FortificationDamage = []

eastM2Fortification   = []
eastM2FortificationDamage = []

westHEGun = []
westHEGunDamage = []

eastHEGun = []
eastHEGunDamage = []

townHEStation = []
townHEStationDamage = []

westHEStation = []
westHEStationDamage = []

eastHEStation = []
eastHEStationDamage = []

westHEFortification = []
westHEFortificationDamage = []

eastHEFortification = []
eastHEFortificationDamage = []

westAAGun = []
westAAGunDamage = []

eastAAGun = []
eastAAGunDamage = []

westAAStation = []
westAAStationDamage = []

eastAAStation = []
eastAAStationDamage = []

westMortar = []
westMortarDamage = []

eastMortar = []
eastMortarDamage = []

westSandbag = []
eastSandbag = []

westLargeWall = []
eastLargeWall = []

westTempBuildingList = []
eastTempBuildingList = []

westSpottedUnits = []
eastSpottedUnits = []

serverStarted = true;PublicVariable "serverStarted"


;Use lines below to test end of game sequence.
Hint("Destroying the commander & MHQ.")

EastMobileHQ SetDammage 1
;EastCommander SetDammage 1

I am beginning to think that I can't make it any higher the 9000


  • Guest
Re:Co-op scripting
« Reply #6 on: 10 Nov 2004, 09:22:29 »

Right open up InitServer.sqs and click on edit then find in the notepad at the top and in the find box put 850 which is the default starting resource for the ai soldiers. Change 850 to whatever amount you want ie: 1250 then do the same again for the leaders resource. Click find and put in 9000 and replace all with 18000 for example. Job done. Or use the one i made just for you!  ;)

I'm crap at writing scripts but i can sure rip em'  ;D

My edited version is here if you want to try it.

« Last Edit: 10 Nov 2004, 09:37:05 by Northener-PNE »