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Author Topic: Re:Help plz! Where do Config.cpp files go ??!  (Read 1215 times)

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Re:Help plz! Where do Config.cpp files go ??!
« on: 29 Sep 2002, 17:43:02 »
I'm reposting this (I hope in the right forum this time) :)
Thx for those who replied earlier.

I downloaded a couple of units which had the pbo file and a config.cpp file. I know the pbo goes in the add on. But how about the config.cpp ? According to the read  me txt file, the .cpp is supposed to change some  of things about unit (camo level, weapons) I will post the file contennents here, maybe someone can tell me where it should go (I hope)

The other question is, I downloaded a few units with same name "config.cpp" file. DO they all go into same place??

Thanks in advance

// some basic defines
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot      0// dummy weapons
#define WeaponSlotPrimary   1// primary weapons
#define WeaponSlotSecondary   16// secondary weapons
#define WeaponSlotItem      256// items
#define WeaponSlotBinocular   4096// binocular
#define WeaponHardMounted   65536

class CfgPatches
   class SPDgs
   units[] = {SPDghilliesniperM21,SPDGhilliesniperM21S,SPDghillieobserver};
   weapons[] = {SPDGhillieM21,SPDGhillieM21supressed,SPDsnipergl};
   requiredVersion = 1.30;

class CfgAmmo
   class default {};
      class BulletSingle: default {};
   class BulletSniper: BulletSingle {};
   class SPDBulletSniperSilenced: BulletSniper

class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class MGun: Default {};
   class Riffle: Mgun {};
   class SniperRiffle: Riffle{};   
   class M21: SniperRiffle{};
   class M16: Riffle {};
   class GrenadeLauncher: Default {};
   class SPDGhillieM21: M21
   class SPDGhillieM21supressed: M21

   class SPDsnipergl
      class M16Muzzle: M16
      class M203Muzzle: GrenadeLauncher

   class SPDm21supressedMag:SPDGhillieM21supressed
      displayNameMagazine = "M21 Supressed Magazine";
      shortNameMagazine = "M21*S";

class CfgVehicles
   class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Land:AllVehicles{};
   class Man:Land{};
   class Soldier:Man{};
   class SoldierWB:Soldier{};
   class SoldierWSniper: SoldierWB{};

   class SPDGhilliesniperM21:SoldierWSniper
      displayName="SPD Ghillie Sniper (M21)";

      weaponSlots="1 +    16 + 2 *    4096 + 10 *          256";

   class SPDGhilliesniperM21S:SPDGhilliesniperM21
      displayName="SPD Ghillie Sniper (M21 supressed)";

   class SPDghillieobserver:SPDghilliesniperM21
      displayName="SPD Ghillie Observer";

class CfgNonAIVehicles
   class ProxyWeapon{};
   class ProxySPDGhillieM21: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxySPDGhillieM21supressed: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxySPDsnipergl: ProxyWeapon{};
   class ProxySPDGhilliesniperM21: ProxyWeapon{};
   class ProxySPDGhilliesniperM21S: ProxyWeapon{};
   class ProxySPDghillieobserver: ProxyWeapon{};

class CfgGroups
   class West {
      class Infantry
         class SPDSniperTeam
         name="SPD Sniper team";
            class Unit0
            class Unit1

« Last Edit: 29 Sep 2002, 18:02:54 by CptBravo »


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Re:Help plz! Where do Config.cpp files go ??!
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2002, 18:03:31 »
The config.cpp files you mention are probably already in the PBO file (where they belong and are required for the addon to work).

I'm thinking the addon maker simply placed a copy of the config file in the zip file so that other addon makers could quickly look into it for any info they might need.

In other words simply place the PBO in the OFP addons folder, disregard the config file, and off you go!
« Last Edit: 29 Sep 2002, 18:04:42 by Lucknow »


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Re:Help plz! Where do Config.cpp files go ??!
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2002, 18:09:13 »
Thank you very much! :)

I wish authors of add ons would not assume every one is guru! :)