waaay back in the day.. I used to play around editing weapons and whatnot..
but now im having a few problems..
ok.. the problem is this..
if i use
UNpbo.exe to convert a bin file to cpp.. do whatever edits i want.. and then use cpp2bin.exe to convert the cpp file back to bin.. i get errors.. and the edited object will not work..
the REAL problem is.. even if i do NOTHING.. no editing at all.. simply convert to cpp.. then back to bin. i STILL get the error.. so.. it has to be something wrong with one of or both of the progs..
these are the only ones i can find to do bin to cpp and back..
i tried OFPmanager.. but it wont even execute.. at all, i get "this application has failed to initlaize.. etc etc" so it cant even get it started..
im running v1.46 (no resistance yet) on XP pro, 1gb of ram, athlong XP system..
im getting the error without even changing anything, so the problem is something is getting FUBAR in the conversion from bin to cpp or the converstion back..
any ideas fellas??