Well....I enabled the debug spectator for SP........but it showed me nil West soldiers to view in THobsons game.
Maybe it only allows you to spectate your own side in SP......which sounds reasonable.
The file you need to edit to activate debug spectate for SP is @ECP\bin\resource.cpp
Look for this bit:
class RscDisplayInterrupt : RscDisplayBackgroundStripesDark
// ECP Settings dialog (Igor Drukov) 004
// added "ButtonECP"
// ECP Debug Spectator (snYpir) - 003
// added "ButtonDebug"
// uncomment to enable spectating at all times
// ,"ButtonDebug"
As it says......just uncomment the line with: ,"ButtonDebug"
In other words.....remove the '//'.
Then resave.
When playing a SP mission if you press Esc, you will have the Spectate option available at the top of the screen.
btw......I found his missing enemy soldier.
Actually it was a JeepMg with two soldiers.