Hey Zha!
I remember answering this same q on the old forum ages ago. And THAT was a simple script. I know what was missing. It didn't stay at the same position in relation to the vehicle.
Well here's a hint:
_cdir= getdir DeliveryTruck
_cycles = 0
_cam camsettarget DeliveryTruck
_cam camcommit 0
_cycles = _cycles + 1
_cam camsetpos [(getpos DeliveryTruck select 0) + 35 * sin _cdir , (getpos DeliveryTruck select 1) + 35 * cos _cdir,3]
_cam camcommit 0
? _cycles == 400 : goto "moveon"
goto "track"
Now as both x & y are 35 and they are multiplyed with the sin & cos of the heading of the vehicle, the _cam is positioned always at a fixed position in relation to the vehicle.
So implement that to your script, fiddle with the numbers 35 but don't expect this to be easy, please. Then if u wan't to complicate things set it up as follows:
_newfov = 0.7
_rotate = 0
_cdir= getdir DeliveryTruck
_cycles = 0
_cam camsettarget DeliveryTruck
_cam camcommit 0
_cycles = _cycles + 1
_newfov = _newfov - 0.01
_rotate = _rotate + 0.1
_cam camsetfov _newfov
_cam camsetpos [(getpos DeliveryTruck select 0) +_rotate + 35 * sin _cdir , (getpos DeliveryTruck select 1) + 35 * cos _cdir,3]
_cam camcommit 0
? _cycles == 400 : goto "ending"
goto "track2"
Now we have a zoom in there (_newfov) and a rotating movement (_rotate)... in which direction, I don't know ;D Just a hunch.
To focus on some1 in the car :-\ I wonder how u haven't figured that one out. I haven't tested anything like this out but naturally u can get the driver, commander and gunner of a vehicle like this:
_drv = driver vehicle DeliveryTruck
as "dan" is in cargo I'm out of answers.