This is a previously script created by me, that run properly:
EXECUTION: [aa,papabear,"Bingo!","Radio"] exec "obj1.sqs"
_Unit = _this select 0
_Hq = _this select 1
MarkerG = _this select 2
MarkerR = _this select 3
"1" ObjStatus "DONE"
_Unit addRating 1000
MarkerG SetMarkerType "WARNING"
_Unit SideChat "blablabla"
_Hq SideChat "blablabla"
"2" ObjStatus "ACTIVE"
"3" ObjStatus "ACTIVE"
MarkerR SetMarkerType "WARNING"
The main difference here, as you notice, is that I have setted the markers as global variables, because I want ‘em to remain visible for the entire duration of the scenario (a thing that I will implement in the script that we're talking about).
Here's how I ran the f****d script the last time before to scold my poor niece for nothing:
EXECUTION:[aa,ab,s1,s2,Ma,Mb] exec "obj2.sqs"
_Unit = _this select 0
_Mate = _this select 1
_Shilka1 = _this select 2
_Shilka2 = _this select 3
_Marker1 = _this select 4
_Marker2 = _this select 5
?((_Unit knowsabout _Shilka1) >2) or ((_Mate knowsabout _Shilka1) >2) : ("_Marker1" SetMarkerType "WARNING")
?((_Unit knowsabout _Shilka2) >2) or ((_Mate knowsabout _Shilka2) >2) : ("_Marker2" SetMarkerType "WARNING")
?!(canmove _Shilka1 and canfire _Shilka1) and !(canmove _Shilka2 and canfire _Shilka2) : goto "Done"
goto "Sightning"
"2" objstatus "DONE"
_Unit addrating 1500
NOW: I ‘ve tried to quote and unquote the names and the variables; I've tried to change the variables from locals to globals (Huu!…Bad omen!); I've tried to bracket and unbracket the --("_Marker1" SetMarkerType "WARNING")-- section; I've tried to pray God…But nothing… :'(