Save this script (explosion.sqs) in your mission folder:
;Script by MP -
;Based on script created by David Berka ( respect is due
;creates a large explosion at an object location, vehicle, infantry etc..
;can be easily modified to accept coords, but you know that already ;-)
;modified a little by ponq, added shell selection.
;and number of explosions wanted
;syntax: [Location/unit to explode, ammotype, 1] exec "explosion.sqs"
;eg [m113A, "LaserGuidedBomb", 2] exec "explosion.sqs"
;would create 2 big booms (LGB's) at the M113A.
;?!(local server):exit
; if you want the this for MP, add a gamelogic at your map named Server. UNcomment the previous line.
_Unit = _this select 0
_AmmoType = _this select 1
_AantalBommen= _this select 2
_Explosion = GetPos _Unit
_cx = _Explosion select 0
_cy = _Explosion select 1
_cz = _Explosion select 2
_tempObj = _AmmoType camCreate[_cx, _cy, _cz]
;this creates a short delay between the bombs. You could modify this without probs.
_tempobj = objNull
_keer = _keer + 1
? _keer > _aantalBommen : exit
goto "loop1"