I'm trying to add some fx to a bullet.
Therefor I add an eventhandler "fired" which triggers a script.
the script catches the bullet, but I want the bullet to slow down.
I seem to be able to "grab" the bullet, but once I set the velocity it abrubtly changes direction.
here's the code I have:_Missile = nearestObject [vehicle(player), _this select 4]
? isNull _Missile : exit
_Type= typeOf _Missile
; adjust velocity of missile
_velx = velocity _missile select 0
_vely = velocity _missile select 1
_velz = velocity _missile select 2
_velz = 2
_missile setvelocity [_velx, _vely, _velz]
anyone have a clue on how to make the bullet travel slow, while keeping it's line (not falling down cos of the low speed)?