Oops your right, "Thank's" it looks like i acted without intelligence.
I'll repost it there.
Total Conversion's for mod's, clan's, or just a group of good mission makers can now, need only load the addons or a mod into the new emulator engine called VBF from militarygames. VBF is a solution for mission maker's of clans to have their game title ready for download to thier members. So that all members have a complete version ready to load and go. So far example's of this engine are available for download in Multiplayer on-line versions only but are also limited by registration to Militarygames. Mod teams and clans are invited to download, and if they like it they can use it. VBF is compatiable with all or most OFP addons upto 1.96.
Most Mod's can't see the potenial untill they find out you dont need OFP installed at all to play OFP mods or use OFP addons as well as play OFP missions in VBF. plus VBF is smaller in dowload size than OFPcwc and OFP res combind. this allows for more people to enjoy one of the best military simulators to date who never purchased OFP. and best of all no need to download patches as yet. Comes with dedicated 1.96 compatiable server and Multiplayer mission editor like OFP.