Yes, I did something like that. Just that it's getting very long and complicated.
This is what the code looks like... (PS! I'm not a very good programmer, so pls dont laugh too loud!
; *********************************************
; SCRIPT for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance *
; NSF Clan Coop missions *
; By ZNorQ *
; Version vDF30p *
; *********************************************
; This script waits for the 'vBroadcastMsg' to be set at a specific number other than ZERO.
; Special variables _vNumKits and _vRevKitProdTime; Use this to change the number of minutes
; for recreating revival kits - and how many. (Hospital messages) PS! APPLIES ONLY FOR SHOWN
; MESSAGES - won't change the outcome of actual revival kits given/produced and the time it
; takes!
?(Local Server) and (vDedicatedServer): Exit
_vMedicDesert = "BAS_JRangerMedicSDES"
_vMedicWoodland = "BAS_JRangerMedicS"
_vRadioID = "BAS_Satcom"
_vIsMedic = false
_vIsGameMaster = false
_vCarriesRadio = false
_vInLion = false
_vInSnake = false
_vInShark = false
_vInEagle = false
_vNumKits = 10
_vRevKitProdTime = 30
; yLion = [aLI1, aLI2, aLI3, aLI4, aLI5, aLI6]
; ySnake = [aSN1, aSN2, aSN3, aSN4, aSN5, aSN6]
; yShark = [aSH1, aSH2, aSH3, aSH4, aSH5, aSH6]
; yEagle = [aEA1, aEA2, aEA3]
?(player in yLion): _vInLion = true
?(player in ySnake): _vInSnake = true
?(player in yShark): _vInShark = true
?(player in yEagle): _vInEagle = true
?(typeOf player == _vMedicWoodland) or (typeOf player == _vMedicDesert): _vIsMedic = true
?(player == aLI6): _vIsGameMaster = true
?(vBroadcastMsg == 0): goto "WaitForMessageSignal"
_vMessageCode = vBroadcastMsg
vBroadcastMsg = 0
_vCarriesRadio = false
?(secondaryWeapon player == _vRadioID): _vCarriesRadio = true
_vPause = false
_vSender = ""
_vReceiver = ""
_vMsgType = ""
_vMsg = ""
?(_vMessageCode == 1) and !(vBroadcastHospitalMsg) : goto "MsgRewardRevKits"
?(_vMessageCode == 2) : goto "MsgStatusRevKit"
?(_vMessageCode == 3) : goto "MsgHospitalRKReady"
?(_vMessageCode == 4) and (vBroadcastHospitalMsg) : goto "MsgHospitalRKGiven"
?(_vMessageCode == 5) : goto "MsgRespawnAH6J"
?(_vMessageCode == 6) : goto "MsgDestroyedAH6J"
?(_vMessageCode == 7) : goto "MsgDestroyedAbrams"
?(_vMessageCode == 8) : goto "MsgRespawnAbrams"
?(_vMessageCode == 9) : goto "MsgDestroyedBradley"
?(_vMessageCode == 10) : goto "MsgRespawnBradley"
?(_vMessageCode == 11) : goto "MsgHospitalRKDestroyed"
?(_vMessageCode == 12) : goto "MsgHospitalRKProduction"
?(_vMessageCode == 13) : goto "MsgGameMasterKitsGiven"
_vMessage = ""
?(_vSender == "SBO"): _vMsgFrom = "FROM: Supplyboat"
?(_vSender == "FAC"): _vMsgFrom = "FROM: Factory"
?(_vSender == "YOU"): _vMsgFrom = "FROM: Myself"
?(_vSender == "MED"): _vMsgFrom = "FROM: Medic"
?(_vSender == "HOS"): _vMsgFrom = "FROM: Hospital"
?(_vSender == "NHQ"): _vMsgFrom = "FROM: Nato HQ"
?(_vReceiver == "TEM"): _vMsgTo = "TO: Team"
?(_vReceiver == "SQD"): _vMsgTo = "TO: Squad"
?(_vReceiver == "MED"): _vMsgTo = "TO: Medic"
?(_vReceiver == "GME"): _vMsgTo = "TO: Gamemaster"
?(_vReceiver == "RAD"): _vMsgTo = "TO: Radio operator"
?(_vMsgType == "REW"): _vMsgTyp = "REWARD"
?(_vMsgType == "STS"): _vMsgTyp = "STATUS"
?(_vMsgType == "LST"): _vMsgTyp = "LOST EQUIPMENT"
?(_vMsgType == "SUP"): _vMsgTyp = "SUPPLIES"
_vMessage = format["#MESSAGE#\n\n%1\n%2\n\n%3\n\n%4\n\n#MESSAGE_END#", _vMsgFrom, _vMsgTo, _vMsgTyp, _vMsg]
_vShowMessage = false
?(_vReceiver == "SQD"): _vShowMessage = true
; ?(_vReceiver == "TEM") and #NOTDEFINED#: _vShowMessage = true
?(_vReceiver == "MED") and (_vIsMedic): _vShowMessage = true
?(_vReceiver == "RAD") and (_vCarriesRadio): _vShowMessage = true
?(_vReceiver == "GME") and (_vIsGameMaster): _vShowMessage = true
?!(_vShowMessage): goto "WaitForMessageSignal"
?(_vPause): hintC _vMessage
?!(_vPause): hint _vMessage
goto "WaitForMessageSignal"
;######################### MESSAGES BELOW #######################################################################################
_vPause = false
_vSender = "NHQ"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "REW"
_vMsg = format["The squad have been rewarded with %1 new revival packs!", vRevKitAmount]
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "YOU"
_vReceiver = "MED"
_vMsgType = "STS"
_vMsg = format["Squad revival pack reserves left : %1.", vRevivalPackReserve]
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "HOS"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "SUP"
_vMsg = format["We have managed to produce %1 new revival packs for the squad. ", _vNumKits]
_vMsg = _vMsg + "Bring 2 medics to pick them up from the white barrel outside the front door!\n\n"
_vMsg = _vMsg + "Be aware that due to space limitations, we can not start producing more untill "
_vMsg = _vMsg + "you have picked up this load!\n\n"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "HOS"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "STS"
_vMsg = format ["Medics have picked up the revival kits. %1 minutes till next supply!", _vRevKitProdTime]
vBroadcastHospitalMsg = false
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "HOS"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "LST"
_vMsg = "Oh my god! Some fucking idiot destroyed the bloddy hospital revival kit supplies! It will take us "
_vMsg = _vMsg + "atleast 5 extra minutes fixing the damn barrel - it's the only one we've got!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "HOS"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "STS"
_vMsg = format["Penalty time over - revival kit production resumed and will be finished in %1 minutes.", _vRevKitProdTime]
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "YOU"
_vReceiver = "GME"
_vMsgType = "STS"
_vMsg = "Gamemaster cheat activated! 5 kits given!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "FAC"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "SUP"
_vMsg = "A new AH6J helicopter is now available at base!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "NHQ"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "LST"
_vMsg = "We lost the AH6J helicopter!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "NHQ"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "LST"
_vMsg = "We lost the M1A1 abrams heavy tank!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "FAC"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "SUP"
_vMsg = "A new M1A1 is now available at the base!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "NHQ"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "LST"
_vMsg = "The Bradley was destroyed. It will take around 5 minutes till we can resupply you with a new one!"
goto "FormatMessage"
_vPause = false
_vSender = "SBO"
_vReceiver = "RAD"
_vMsgType = "SUP"
_vMsg = "A new Bradley have been supplied! Check the beach!"
goto "FormatMessage"