Hiya W£DGE,
Seen your work on the website looks promising
I've not been active in OFP for a while now, but still try to keep up with the latest news.
I was thinking of re-writing my old config.cpp file writer in Java, probably as an applet so it could be run on a webpage, so the user doesn't need to d/l any programs etc.
The old perl version had the following features:
- Wrp filename
- Addon name
- Island description seen in OFP
- Number plates using PlateLetters and PlateFormat
- Start Date and Time (although these appear in the config.cpp, they seem to have no effect in the editor)
- Start Weather and Fog (also seem to have no effect in the editor)
- Forecast Weather and Fog (also seem to have no effect in the editor)
- Airstrips and Taxiways, using ils Position, ilsDirection, ilsTaxiIn, ilsTaxiOut
- Custom Island Icons
- Place Names
- Centre Position
- Seagull Position
- Required version of OFP needed to use island
This should make things easier for newbies to get working config or to quickly get an island ingame
I won't be able to write it til July (v. busy :( ), but if you want it after that...