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Author Topic: Need help with mission idea  (Read 1574 times)

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Need help with mission idea
« on: 21 May 2004, 19:18:55 »
 Years after the attempted invasion of Nogova satellite photos of the island of Nogova

reveal something going on on one of its islands.  There is a small airport located out in the ocean

and a space shuttle is prepped for launch.  This could confer with the Intelligence gathered by

American spies of a secret space weapon developed by Russian Star Wars scientist scientist Dimitry Wanzer.  A

man operated satellite weapon or Orbital Frame (O.F.) is to be delivered into space by space

shuttle and set in orbit where it can deliver a salvo of weapons, enough to destroy an entire city

block all from outer space.  The satellite is either operated from the control tower or man

operated from inside of the satellite in space.  It's important to strike now rather than when this

satellite becomes operational.

obj1:  First, Sniper (silenced sniper rifle sd) must clear all watchtowers to ensure stealth.  Once

that is done, the sniper will take over a tower and cover as much area as possible.  Kill wisely,

if the enemy sees a dead body they will go on alert.  

obj2:  On code Alpha the two teams move out. team one, the 3 man CQB team (acog mp5sd) must

infiltrate the control tower and destroy the main computers.  This is where the orbital frame is

controlled by remote.

obj3:  team one must also steal both the backup disk and documents to return to base.  Upon

returning to base the documents and disk must be laid out before the mission commander to achieve

objective.  The documents and disk are probably located inside of a safe.  Safe codes are kept on

commanding officers.  Once that is done, the CQB team will radio the sniper and Demo team to

coordinate a safe evac.  
obj4:  On Code Alpha team two (m4sd with charges, m4/m203sd, m249sd), the 3 man demolitions team,

must infiltrate the orbital frame hangar and stay there during the duration of the mission.  If

Team one is detected, the enemy will try to move the orbital frame, also guards may see and disarm

the explosive.  In case that happens team two will be ready.  team is also responsible for

destroying the orbital frame when everyone is off the island.  

That's what I have so far.  What do you think?
« Last Edit: 21 May 2004, 19:20:44 by BronzeEagle »

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2004, 19:57:23 »
Good, xept for two things:

Code: [Select]
Russian Star Wars

No, no, no, no I say. People will just laugh and think of the movies. Change it to something like "Russian Space Military Project" or whatever. Just change it.

Also the 2 strikes teams are going to have a bad time if this is a SP mission ('cause I assume the sniper is the player?) . The AI just can't handle it. Even if covered by the sniper they are going to get massacared. Unless this is a MP mission, then it's another story.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #2 on: 21 May 2004, 21:07:56 »
Sounds good.    But maybe have the americans as the bad guys. The americans already have the biggest and "best" space program. So I could see ourselves launching a "defense" weapon system to protect us and "not" blow away any terrorist harboring countries or anyone who steps out of line, there fore increasing our power..... :gunman:

Make like russians or mercenaries going in to do the job.

How about your the leader of the spearhead team that takes out the guards and covers the other demo teams....
AI can't live up to the title of being a crack team of silenced demo guys with years of training.... :P

Ideas ideas

Damn its hard to type with an ice cream cone in your hand but it tastes so good. :cheers:

PS: I've had enough of those kill all commie and russian missions. Enough game platforms have kill russians as the base, enough, why can't america go on a rampage and conquer canada or mexico for once? ::) ;)
« Last Edit: 21 May 2004, 21:26:03 by GuiltyRoachKilla »


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #3 on: 22 May 2004, 20:03:33 »
I figured russia would be the only ones with a space program advanced enough to create a weapons platform satellite.  By the way this is going to be co op.  Remember, there is such a thing.    
« Last Edit: 22 May 2004, 20:04:30 by BronzeEagle »

Offline dmakatra

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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #4 on: 22 May 2004, 20:24:17 »
Can't the yanks be the enemies then? I wanna kick some evil yanks instead of some evil, used-to-death russians.

:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2004, 21:40:28 »
One very alternate weird idea assuming you can get this add on of a satillite that can be ridden in. Your job is to get to the platform before launch and just in time tkaew out the man pilot and take over the satillete your self. Then rain terror down on the enemies.  :)

Good times unitl the control center hits self desruct. :o

A coop might be good for this one. Humans working together and such.

Still I'm sick of killing Russians, I want to spill the blood of my countrymen here, I want to kill some yanks. (I hope the FBI isn't monitering me.....)  :-X :tomato:

Maybe after destroying the coms and getting your objs complete the Rusians or whoever is the antagonist decide eradicating the site is the only answer and everyone must get out before, BOOM!

That's my idea....  :)


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #6 on: 23 May 2004, 06:13:22 »
Hmmm, run that by me again.  Maybe there is a way...or I could just keep america and make the bad guys the axis of evil, you know, north korea.  
« Last Edit: 23 May 2004, 15:58:56 by BronzeEagle »


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #7 on: 23 May 2004, 20:33:54 »
To vague I guess

My first idea was a single person who has to infiltrate the facility. Then maybe have him find the plans so he can operate the damn satilliete. Then he must take the place of the pilot of the satilliete and counterattack the facility and destroy it. Something along those lines.

My second idea is kind of a mix of everything above but you must destroy the controls and get the documents and leave before the place self destructs.


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #8 on: 24 May 2004, 17:45:57 »
still vague i guess.  i was thinking delta force halo drop into the ocean with swimming gear, swim to the resistance held island.  story goes something like space weapon about to launch on nogova, nogova special forces take over island and plan on using the weapon to kill russian president, USA steps in as ally of russia, kidnapped russian scientist helps nogovans operate satellite as a hostage but stalls their progress.  Your sniper takes the tower, clears the communications bunker, your demo team booby traps the satellite, your cqb team destroys the main computer and steals the program disk, and rescues the scientist.  helicopter comes in to extract entire crew.  you end up with them having no sattelite, no AI disk to guide another satellite, no scientist to help build or control the station computer or satellite.  


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Re:Need help with mission idea
« Reply #9 on: 24 May 2004, 20:13:35 »
I'm just laying the frame out out so you can furnish it.
(not a good saying at all)

Sounds good though. Evil Nogovoans! :o