the welrod is a gun id like to see in OFP it is a 22 or 32 cal silencer with a firing pin
they used it in ww2 and beyond and it still has some classified parts i believe but it is almost dead silent
this link says 9mm so i dunno but here is what it looks like
Eh? That was ranomd
Make up a new thread
Theres a really silent gun in Hidden&Dangerous 2 (WW2 game), a sorta SMG, but it's almost silent
From the picture, it looks really simple to model.. But it won't be seen from this thread
Anyway, Major_Fubar.. A month? :'(
Heheh.. Anyway, sounds cool
Is it gonna be done as a pistol slot weapon, I guess? The holding anim would fit (Holding it with to hands)
How are you gonna do the "have I hit him" thing? Look for the Bayonet/Machete thread, my post near the end, for an idea (Constatly firing short lived bullets, that kill anything they hit, ie an enemy when the blade swings though them, the bullets are where the blade it, thus killing them)
Gd luck
- Ben