I guess Armsty is talking about respawn = group,
where you will just reincarnate into the next AI groupmember.
But i couldn't imagine any realistic way of getting this to work
without having the player know that his soul just wandered
from him into his buddy.
And btw - who will tell that his buddies family, or his original
soldiers fam? j/k ;D
Example what would be cool, but would not really work:
player is alone in his group
radiomessage is set to false, so that player doesn't hear
anything like: 2 follow 1
player gets killed - in the same moment sniper joins his group
player respawns into sniper
As i said, that's not possible, as the nobody can join the player's,
group once he got killed, but it would have been the only realistic
method i could have imagined.
Or: you can do it the unrealistic way: have 2 groupmembers
1 player
1 sniper (AI)
respawn into sniper, when player dies (no need to wait for a
natural dead, since you could also setdammage him to death)
~S~ CD