Welcome to my first semi useful script ;D
_group1 = _this select 0
_vehicle1 = _this select 1
_vehicle2 = _this select 2
_a = 0
_b = 0
_grouper = units _group1
_countgrouper = count _grouper
_getxzy = getpos (_grouper select _a)
_getheight = _getxzy select 2
deletevehicle _vehicle1
?_getheight <= 300 : goto "eject"
goto "loop"
_vehicle2 setpos [getpos (_grouper select _b) select 0,getpos (_grouper select _b) select 1,getpos (_grouper select _b) select 2]
(_grouper select _b) moveincargo _vehicle2
(_grouper select _b) action ["EJECT",_vehicle2]
_b = _b + 1
?(_b >= countgrouper) goto "exit"
goto "eject"
deletevehicle _vehicle2
Aye, you wouldn't believe i'm actually quite good/neat with C
It's times like this when I ask myself "Do I know what i'm doing?" Obviously not. Any suggestions? It seems to error up but it still works.
Oh, I wanted something that would eject you from a helo and let you free-fall to a set height and then deploy the chutes
Probably already figured that out.