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Author Topic: Messed up textures ..how do I fix it ?  (Read 1162 times)

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Messed up textures ..how do I fix it ?
« on: 15 Sep 2002, 16:18:38 »
Well ..the prob is that i have an island with all the textures perfect ..exept for the runway textures ..in the WRPedit they loog grat =) ..but in game ..=( ..theyre all croked and messed up ..ive tried flaten the ground around it ..but it messes up anyways ..anybody know how to fix it ??

Offline Planck

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Re:Messed up textures ..how do I fix it ?
« Reply #1 on: 15 Sep 2002, 20:16:48 »
Try using another runway texture.

I seem to remember that was the solution for this problem.

Eden.pbo or Abel.pbo both have runway textures in them.

Possibly changing the rwr.paa will do it.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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=) ..one more question
« Reply #2 on: 19 Sep 2002, 17:06:12 »
Thanx man !!!

It worked out by cjanging the texture from rw.paa too rwr.paa ..
It seems to be a messed up texture in the game theyve havent thought of removing...

Well ..anybody know why I cant run into the Oaktree-forrests from resistance ??? Theyre just like a wall ..???