ok do somthing like this make a script and in this script add
pu this in choppers init
[Choppername] exec "scriptname.sqs"
scriptname .sqs
_Chopper = _this select 0
WP1 = false
WP2 = false
WP3 = false
;This is to detect if WP1 = true and move to selcted WP1
?(WP1):_Chopper domove getMarkerPos "WP1";
?(WP2):_Chopper domove getMarkerPos "WP2";
?(WP3): _Chopper domove getMarkerPos "WP3";
;and so on
goto "loop"
;end of script
now go to mission and set 3 markers called WP1,WP2,WP3 and place them at the point were you would like to go
now set triggers to alpha,brovo,charlie
and in each activation put WP1 = true and so on up to WP3 = true.
then if you wanna do landings and stuff you need to add landing stuff to the script there is lots out there but i hope this helps