Hi Armsty,
seems you came to the same conclusion as i did.
Why putting always the same music files over and over again
into missions, when there's the possibility to have them
already installed as an addon?
OK, maybe we do not have the same goals, because most
of the times i'm just playing around in the editor to create
different scenarios (hangin around in my brain), only for
meself, or many times i open up the editor only to solve somebody else's problem on the forum ;D
but in general it's the same.
I tell you what:
I've made such a music addon, and my experience by that told
me even more than just to have the files only once on my
HD. I noticed less lag when the music comes from an addon, as
if i put the music into the mission itself.
All you need to do is:
create a folder - let's say: armsty_songs
now create a config.cpp file, and put it into armsty_songs
Then you need to put all your songs.ogg files into that folder
and whoop - makePBO will do the rest.
Ah yeah, here's the content of my config.cpp file:
class CfgPatches
class Music
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 1.20;
class CfgMusic
tracks[]={ wwSoldiers,prodig,song1,song2,song3,song4,song5,song6,song7,song8,song9,song10,song11,song12,kisssky,ashestoashes,aufregend2,bombdabasscb,Hunger,mogadishublues,war,dabeach1,BHDBaraRachid,aladin,akta,smokeow,warpigs,50cents,thepower,paidinfull,oriental1,oriental2,oriental3,Animals,gefahr1,aufregend1,duster,duster2,scottie,mobilize,france };
class wwSoldiers{name = "wwSoldiers";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\wwSoldiers.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class prodig{name = "prodig";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\prodig.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song1{name = "song1";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song1.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song2{name = "song2";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song2.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song3{name = "song3";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song3.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song4{name = "song4";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song4.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song5{name = "song5";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song5.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song6{name = "song6";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song6.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song7{name = "song7";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song7.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song8{name = "song8";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song8.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song9{name = "song9";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song9.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song10{name = "song10";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song10.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song11{name = "song11";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song11.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class song12{name = "song12";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\song12.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class kisssky{name = "kisssky";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\kisssky.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class aufregend1{name = "aufregend1";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\aufregend1.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class aufregend2{name = "aufregend2";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\aufregend2.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class duster{name = "duster";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\duster.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class duster2{name = "duster2";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\duster2.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class gefahr1{name = "gefahr1";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\gefahr1.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class bombdabasscb{name = "bombdabasscb";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\bombdabasscb.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class ashestoashes{name = "ashestoashes";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\ashestoashes.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class Hunger{name = "Hunger";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\Hunger.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class mogadishublues{name = "mogadishublues";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\mogadishublues.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class BHDBaraRachid{name = "BHDBaraRachid";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\BHDBaraRachid.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class aladin{name = "aladin";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\aladin.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class akta{name = "akta";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\akta.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
class oriental1{name = "oriental1";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\oriental1.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class oriental2{name = "oriental2";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\oriental2.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class oriental3{name = "oriental3";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\oriental3.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class smokeow{name = "smokeow";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\smokeow.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class warpigs{name = "warpigs";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\warpigs.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class scottie{name = "scottie";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\scottie.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class mobilize{name = "mobilize";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\mobilize.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class war{name = "war";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\war.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class dabeach1{name = "dabeach1";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\dabeach1.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class 50cents{name = "50cents";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\50cents.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class thepower{name = "thepower";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\thepower.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class paidinfull{name = "paidinfull";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\paidinfull.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class Animals{name = "Animals";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\Animals.ogg, db, 1.0};};
class france{name = "france";sound[] = {\cd_sounds\france.ogg, db+10, 1.0};};
hope this helps
~S~ CD