Instead of using several waypoints, just do it all in one waypoint.
If you want them to jump with minimal delay between guys, use this in the activation field of the waypoint:
{_x action["Eject",xxxx]} foreach units group yyyyy
Where xxxx is the vehicle name, and yyyy is the name of somebody in the group.
If you want a delay between jumpers, use a script:
_guy=_this select 0
_arrGuys=units group _guy
_max=count _arrGuys
_vehicle=vehicle _guy
_arrGuys select _counter action["Eject",_vehicle]
? _counter<_max:goto "JumpLoop"
You can change the ~1 line to whatever delay you want between jumpers.
If you use the script, then in the waypoint you call
[xxx] exec "scriptname.sqs"
Where xxx is some guy in the group.