pipebomb : a soldier can out it by command :
soldier fire ["put","pipebomb"] but I`m not sure about it, i`ll better check when I return home. The you touch it off by command
soldieraction ["touchoff","pipebomb"] (I`m not sure of this one, too. If you don`t want a soldier to put a bomb, you can use something like this:
explosion = "shell73" camcreate getpos satchelname// creates an explosion
you can create several explosions with different types of ammo, p.ex. heat 102, shell 102, heat 73 etc.
if you want the satchel to to be no longer visible, you write
deletevehicle satchelname or
satchelname setpos [1,1,1] and player won`t see it then.
satchelname is the name you give the satchel by the command, p.ex.
satchel = "pipebomb" camcreate getpos playerI`ve got the full list of tank ammo in resistance, but I left it at home