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Author Topic: Voices  (Read 1322 times)

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« on: 15 Sep 2002, 16:28:50 »
Is there anyway to add new voices to ofp as it doesn't go well when you have a SAS trooper with a Texan accent. Some Pommy and Aussie accents would be good. Mabey Afrikan and New Zealand as well just to help out us folks Down Under. No croc hunter please we don't all talk like that.


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« Reply #1 on: 15 Sep 2002, 22:29:23 »
The voice for Victor from resistance is useful for middle class british people(is it just me or does victor look and sound a lot like sting?).
You can add new voices but it takes alot of work as you would need to record 261 phrases and then convert them into ofp freindly files and pack them into a pbo file oh and they need a bit of cpp work.
A couple of mods are working on new voice packs(clan wars and everon cartel are both definatly doing it and i wouldn't be suprised if the falklands mod are also doing it).


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« Reply #2 on: 17 Sep 2002, 19:34:09 »
Hoffman's Luck might have custom voice packs... if so it'll just be me and cplme mumbling into our mikes though, lol.


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« Reply #3 on: 18 Sep 2002, 00:09:55 »
  Well.. just thought I'd weigh in on the whole voice issue here with a little update for everyone interested...

  I've gone back to college in the last few weeks where I'm studying to be an audio engineer....   I have all sorts of classes, and access to a full recording  studio and other hard disk editing programs at school, so this is something I'm working on slowly but surely.. These first few weeks are mostly learning new stuff, but the bulk of the rest of the semester we get turned loose to complete projects on our own so this will give me the time to work on OFP stuff in class...

 I've also been doing quite a bit of research into this, and while we have the method perfected it's just a matter of getting the voices recorded, and all 300+ phrases you need..  

anyways... The Everon Cartel Mod will use this, along with some other interesting voice/music stuff ;)  

Oh.. yeah .. here's something I came across the info for in my research....

......fast learning algorithm for voice tracking. A target human voice is analyzed for its personal characteristics which are then used to modify a base voice, (either human or machine generated). The fidelity of the voice emulation depends on the uniqueness, and richness of the target voice, and on the quality, quantity and spectrum of the recorded sounds which serve as the learning base for the emulator.

  Sounds cool doesn't it ?   Stay tuned