@Rhys i think it's the latest F16 from VIT...
I found it : (I've used a part from an old script from Igor Drukov)
Put in the init (a unit with flares, a night officer...) :
this AddEventHandler ["fired",{_this exec "flareFX.sqs"}]
then the flareFx -script
_man = _this select 0
_projectile = _this select 4
?_projectile != "flare" : exit
_object=nearestobject [_man,"flare"]
_pos=getpos _object
_life =30
_delay = 0.01
_lifeTicks = _life / _delay
_life = _lifeTicks
;;yeah... I added a flare sound
;;playsound "flare"
_pos=getpos _object
_shade = 0.65 +random 0.3
_life = _life - 1
?_life > 0 : goto "Begin"